Chapter 14. One Month Later

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Alina POV
One month...One month since that scumbag's death. One month since I finally got rid of the man who has been haunting my dreams every single night since I was 16 years old.After so many years, he's finally gone.

A couple weeks back,I came out from the hospital. We all decided to keep all this to ourselves and act normal and just move on with our lives.
Ever since then,we're all happier. I'm happier and as for me and Zayn,our 'relationship'
Well,we're now a couple. We're boyfriend and girlfriend...

Aha,that's a lie. We are just mutual friends and I have nothing against that. I love how we can be somewhat friends but I can mess around with him as much as I want.
He still calls me love and i still don't mind. I can now just live my life. Finally,with no more looking back. I can move on,I can be happy again.

I'm in Science and I could be more bored.

Hannah and Eleanor are in my class but I was forced to sit with another guy because I tend to lose focus when I sit next to the girls.

"Er,..em,Alina...could you p-pass me the work sheet please." He says.
He seems a little frightened. He's not even looking at me whilst talking. He's really clever and get's all his work done. I kinda envy him. I can't even get through the first question..

I pass him the paper and ask him something

"Hey...why are so scared to talk me. I don't bite." I laugh. He also nervously laughs..

" I'm not scared," He says. I know that's a lie and I look at him raising my eyebrows

"Okay...maybe just a little." He says looking down..

"Why?" I say,feeling sorry for the poor lad.

"'s your crew I guess. It's not that they're bad people,it's just that I get a little nervous around popular people." He says...

"Listen,there is nothing to be afraid of! Me and you are just the same. Just because we're a big 'popular' group doesn't mean we aren't normal people." I says..

"Thanks! You know,you're not as evil as Zayn makes you out to be." He chuckles

"Zayn tells you that I'm evil!" I say laughing..

"Yeah,we have Computer Science together and he says how you are always mean to him.." He says smiling,getting amused at my reaction..

"Oh my god,that is not true...okay maybe I'm sometimes mean to him but I'm not evil!" I say

"Don't worry. I know you're not evil and so does Zayn,I know he just loves messing with you..." He says...

"Yep! Anyway...we're having a deep conversation and I don't even know your name!" I say.

"Oh sorry,I'm Jason." He says smiling..

"Ah Jason,I'm Alina..." I say..

"Well hello Alina!" He says laughing. I laugh with him. He's not so bad. Everyone he is not so bad.

I've spent a long time here and I love it. I can't believe that I used to hate this place. I'm happy that my parent's forced me to go here because if I weren't for them,I'd never have met all these amazing people.
They're much better than my friends at home who half of them were mostly drug dealers or young and pregnant.

Speaking of my parents. I haven't phoned them since I left the hospital. I decided not to them about everything that happened with Sean and me ending up in hospital.
I used to phone them every couple days. They were always interested in what I got up to and if I had made any friends. I told them about the girls and the lads. I also told them about Zayn. How he torments me and how he pushes my buttons but I can now tell them that although he still annoys me,he is my good friend.

I know,I hated him and know I suddenly like him but he saved me that night. He believed me when no one else would. He protected me. That is a debt i'll never be able to repay.

"Alina..?" I hear Jason..

"Yeah." I say.

"Class is over..." Jason says. I probably didn't hear it go whilst I was in deep thought.

"Oh yeah,sorry. Let me just get my things." I say quickly scrambling out the class with my stuff.

I say bye to Jason and see the crew waiting for me.

"God Alina,you took your time..." Louis says

"Yeah sorry." I say.

"Okay. Let's go in the field and just chill because I'm exhausted. I've had three exams in one morning." Danielle says.

It's exam period so everyone is busy studying and stuff. I've heard that during exam period the atmosphere is different. Most people stay in class and revise and take extra lessons and people are sticking their noses in their books but it seems like our crew doesn't roll like that...

"Yeah,no one will be in the fields now.." Harry says.

We make our way to the fields,it's a quick walk from campus and I realise that every one is a little quiet...

Once we sit down I get curios to why they're all being so weird. Usually they're loud and they're always messing around...

"God what is up with up with you guys?! Why are you guys being so quiet?!" I say...

They all look at each other then at me..

"Well,it's been exactly a month since Sean...we didn't want to make you upset.." Niall says...

"Listen guys! I don't care about that anymore! That is all forgotten about okay! If i can move on then so can you guys! Please,let's just move on with our lives yeah?" I say..

"Yeah...Let's make a toast.." Hannah says.

We raise our water and drink bottles...I know it's weird but It's a little tradition of ours!

"To new beginnings?" Liam announces

"To new beginnings!" I say...
We all touch our bottles together and just carry on as normal.

I love these guys! They are all just so adorable. I hope we stick together. I know we'll stick together.
No one can change one.

A/N- Heyyy guys! Sorry,this is such a short and boring filler chapter. Don't worry though. There is more drama coming and it's more on the 'love' side...Pleaaase vote,comment and follow meeeee ! X ~ Mrs.iMalik

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