Chapter 13. What Happend That Night?

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A gunshot was the only thing we heard. It came from behind that guy..He dropped to floor and as he fell the person who killed him,the person who held the gun was revealed..

It was Alina...

"Alina,you're alive?" Harry said...

I couldn't believe my eyes. She was alive. But she was injured. She had a wound on her stomach,she's holding it down and it's bleeding heavily.

"Who the hell said I was dead?" She said..she sounded like she was in so much pain

"That guy.." Niall said,pointing down to the guy..

"Sean?" She said,

"You knew him?" I say..

Before she could say anything,she almost dropped to the ground. She was losing blood.
I quickly ran to grab her.

"Get her to the car,we're taking her to the hospital."
Luckily i had a seven seater car other wise we would've forced Niall to sit in the boot.

I carried her into car. I cover her up with my jacket because her shirt was half ripped.
That 'Sean' bastard must have tortured her before he put a knife into her..

I gave her to Liam and Harry to put her into the car. We all got into the car and I rushed to the nearest hospital. I have to drive fast enough other she really will die and if that happens,i'll never be able to live with myself.


Alina POV

I wake up suddenly,my heart is beating fast and my head is hurting. The bright lights are tiring my eyes.
I'm in a hospital bed. It took me a while to realised that the boys,Louis,Liam,Harry,Niall and Zayn were here.

"Morning Love.." I barely hear Zayn say..
He's sitting beside my bed and so are the other boys..

"We've called the girls,they're on their way with George.." I hear Liam say

"George! George's car!" I say.

"Don't worry,George will get his car then come here." Says Louis

"Boys,we had given her some pills to numb her pain,the side effect are that she will say some odd things so just be careful." The doctor left. I have to tell them what happened that night.

"Zayn! Zayn!" I say..

"Yes love.." He says. He looks afraid. He looks startled and I'm the reason why all of this happened

"I'm a murderer.." I whisper/yell

The boys look at each other in shock. They probably though I forgot everything.

"No you're not darlin'" Niall says..

"Yes I am...I killed Sean. I killed him." I said. Tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"It was self defence Alina,it's different." Harry said.

"The police will come for me. I will get arrested again but this time it'll be for life.." I sobbed..

I let it slip,great! They now know that I've been arrested and as a bonus they've witnessed me kill someone.

"Again..?" Zayn whispered to Liam.

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