Chapter 39. Forever 21

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A/N: By the way guys,Zayn isn't wearing a suit in this chapter..LOL,enjoyyyyyyyy! X

Alina POV

'Okay...Okay Mum..." I try fight off mums constant nagging..

"..and make sure you call me when you get back an-"

"Mum..I'm not leaving now..." I chuckled..

"Sorry sweetheart,I'm just worried becuase you're going to be travelling alone.." She smiled,sitting on my bed.

"Mum,I'll be fine,the isn't the first time.." I said

We both laughed and I continued packing the last minute stuff...

"Oh mum,there's a loose thread on my shirt,do you have scissors?"

"Yeah,check the drawer in my room.."

I got up and checked her drawer. I found the scissors but also found a note,it was a phone number and it,it said  -A

Who's A?

"Mum,who's A?" I shouted,walking into the room..

"Oh,em I'm not sure,maybe one of your father's friends?" She muttered

"Oh okay.." I shook my head and smiled

"Okay! So that's your packing done!" Mum said,she sounded sad,like she didn't want to do this whole goodbye thing again..

"You're dropping me off to the station mum!" I said to her..

"Oh silly me! This old age gets to me!"

"Mum you're 35."

"Oh right yeah.." She laughed

We both went downstairs,bringing my luggage with me,and I put my jacket on.

"Alright let me get my car key's and we'll be off!"

When mum went there was a knock on the door...I opened it and a boy standing there with a bunch of flowers hiding his face was standing right at the door...

"Surprise?" It was Zayn,I could tell by his cute little bradford accent and the bits of hair flying away behind the flowers.

I instantly jumped into him arms and kissed his face like multiple times...

"I missed you..." I mumbled in his chest..

"Me too love,hey I got your flowers...are they too much?!" He whispered looking so nervous.

"No! They're absolutely fine." I kissed his cheek

"Well who do we have here eh?!" Mums voice appeared

"Hello,Mrs Hart...I er got you these flowers." He smiled

"Aw thanks sweetheart," She took the flowers and carried on..

"Listen darlin,you don't have to be all tense around me,it's her father you should be worried about but luckily for you he's at work!" Mum laughed,I know she's purposely trying to scare Zayn but it definitely worked because Zayn got red and his eyes widened..

I gave him an apologetic look and he quickly calmed down a little.

"You and your mum look exactly the same..." Zayn smirked

"Yeaah some people think we're sisters!" She exclaimed

"No..mum" I shook my head in disagreement

"I'm forever 21!" She sang,while Zayn was giggling..

"You're 35.." I simply said

"Well you certainly look younger Mrs Hart.." Zayn smirked knowing this was cringing me out

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