Chapter 18.He's not Mr.Right

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Alina POV

I now have a boyfriend. Shit,I have a boyfriend. It's still very shocking to me. I never thought I'd really be able to move on. After the date with George, we both spent more time together and bang! We became an 'official' couple. I thought after all this our group will be complete and happy but I was wrong. The boys are all acting weird with me and George. When I say the boys, I mean Zayn. I try ask him what's wrong but he just avoids the question and tries changing the subject. He's also really distant. when all us go out on the weekends he just bails. I get he's single and it'll be awkward but C'mon, he doesn't have to always be a spoil sport.

Lucky for him, next month we are going to be of for 6 weeks for the summer. The guys and girls are all going on a holiday resort in Spain. They rent out a huge house for the 9 of them every year. I was invited but I'm not really sure whether I wanna go because my parents will probably have an issue with it, also I have to spend 6 weeks away from George so I don't think I'll be going on this trip. we just came back from holiday but only for a week. Me and George met up lots during the holidays since we both live in the north part of London. I'm even going to start on what we did together during the holidays because it was just crazy and cute...

I hardly have any classes since the term is almost over and most exams have been completed so I decide to catch up with the other who are chilling on the field. All of them are there, including Zayn so I go over to them.

"What up miss Hart!" Louis raises his arm from the floor to high five me. After I high five him I sit down on the fresh looking grass. I say hi to the rest of the guys. I said Hi to Zayn as well, all he did was smile and it wasn't even a big smile, it was a tiny thing. Just like 'smile' of Mona Lisa. She was smiling but not smiling at the same time, Make sense? Anyway, like I said before, he's acting weird!

"Okay guys, if we wanna go on this years holiday we need to start packing now. Remember what happened last year!" Paige explained how the boys all forgot their swimming trunks so they couldn't swim the whole time.

"The holidays aren't till next month though..." I said

"Yeah but it's better if we're all prepared.." Hannah said.

"Yeah true.." I agreed

"Wait, Alina, you are coming right?" Niall says...

Before I could say anything I got cut off.

"Why would she? She's gonna stay in London to spend time with her boyfriend!" He spat.

What the hell was that for?! What was his problem?

"No actually, my parents might have an issue with me going abroad." I retaliate

"When have you ever listened to your parents?" Zayn smirks. God I really wanna slap that smirk of his face...

"Well I'm in this stupid boarding school aren't I? Idiot." I spar. After Zayn said that he kept his mouth shut.

I don't what's wrong with him. He's acting like an asshole.

"Okay guys! Calm Down. Alina speak to your parents see if they'll be alright with it." Eleanor says..

"Yeah whatever." I say.

Even if my parents were okay with it, I don't know if I can go 6 weeks without George.

Later That Day

After talking about the holiday stuff we changed the subject and talked about other stuff. We all were joking around and having fun but stupid Zayn was being anti social and just kept quiet. I actually cant be bothered to find out why he's being annoying. I decided to call my parents and see what they're up to and ask about the holiday,not that I'm going or anything. I pull up my phone and call the house.
**A-Alina  M-Mum**

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