Chapter 17.First Dates

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A/N : Alina's Date Outfit is above also the date setting is up there too. Long chapter ahead guys so enjoy x

Zayn POV

I really am not looking forward to PE today. It's going to be me,Alina and George working on our cardio as we all put ourselves into groups last week.

I don't think Alina fancies George although she may just have the slightest feelings. I don't know why I care really. I don't like her I just don't want her to get hurt. Imagine if she did fancy George. What happens if they got together? I'll be the only single one in our group...that can't happen. I've got a reputation to protect. Obviously,Alina getting me worked up even when she's not here!

I stop thinking about all that nonsense  and I make my way to the Gym and see only George. The other lads are there but no Alina.

"Hey George.." I say

"Hey dude,where's Alina?" He asks.

"I have no idea..." I reply

"Oh..well,that's good because I need you opinion on something.." He says

'Err okay,shoot." I say,hella confused

"Well,since you're close to Alina i think I should ask you..." He says. Why the hell is he dragging it on. Just get to the point!

"Yeaah...okay." I say

"Do you think Alina will be happy if I took her out on a date...with me?"

I knew it.

"You want to go out with Alina..?" I scoff.

"Yeah...I think she's amazing and I really like her." He says.

I don't know what to think. Am I happy for him or shall I just kill him now. I know he's a nice guy and I know he'll treat Alina the way she should be treated so why not?

"Well,mate...go for it!" I shook his hand and smiled.
I am happy...I am. I think...

"Really?! Thanks man." He smiles.

"Soo,when you planning to ask her..? " i say

"After lesson?" He says.

"Oh wow! That's quick." I laugh

"I know. I just can't wait,you when I'm with her,I go crazy. She's different and she is just..."

"..beautiful?" I say,finishing his sentence.

"Yeah.." He laughs.

"Hello ladies.." We hear a familiar voice..

"Hey shorty..." George says. It's Alina. Great. This is the part where I have to awkwardly third wheel them.

"Hi..George. How bout we get started yeah. " Alina says.
Ugh,she's worse than George. She almost fell over when George started stretching.

I walk over to her to try see what is going on...

"So,you don't fancy George huh!?" I say...lifting a weight...

"...oh what?!" It took a while

"Listen,I know you fancy George..."
She turns to face me...

"Okay fine! I...i like George okay! "

I don't say anything. I knew it though. I knew she had feelings for him.

"Oh..okay.." Is all I manage to say.

"What? You have been bugging me all this time and all I get is 'oh okay'? " she says

This Means War. - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now