Chapter 48. Be mine

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A/N Please read the A/N at the end of the chapter also Alina's outfit for the family gathering! ^^

Zayn POV

"Yeah...Aiden,I want to ask for your permission,as Alina's older brother, to take Alina's hand in marriage..." I finally said

"Zayn...are you sure about this? This is a huge step.." He said

"Aiden,I've been sure since the day I met her. I love her so much and I know that I cannot live without her. She is my life now,she's all that I need. I promise that I will protect her,take her of her,make sure she's happy everyday and I promise I'll be the best husband I can be because I love her. After four years of being with her,I have to make her my wife..."

It took us both a while to take that all in...

"Zayn I know you can do all those things, I trust you,but shouldn't you be asking our dad?" He said

"Yeah I know but I've never met him...I will do it but now right now,I think it's important if I take your permission first..." I said

"Well Zayn,I think you're an amazing guy and I know you can take care of Alina so I will give you my permission to take Alina's hand in marriage.." He said and I felt so relieved,I hugged him and thanked him...

"Zayn...I can't find it.." Alina yelled from the top of the stairs..

"Oh yeah,sorry babe,it was in my jacket pocket..." I said quickly putting the ring away and getting my wallet out..Aiden sniggered and went over to Alina

The three of us ate and then went to bed. I felt so happy and giddy,I realised that I couldn't keep my hands off Alina...

I was rubbing her thighs and touching her waist..

"Zayn," She laughed "what's wrong? You're being so touchy.."she said

I ignored her comment and asked her something else

"Babe,I think this weekend we should have a huge my family,your family and our friends from Uni.." I said

"Why..." She asked

"I don't know,I guess it would be nice if our families bonded and stuff" I said

"Alright we'll do it,sounds alright..." She said

She turned to face me as I kept my grip on her shoulder...

"I love you." I said

A huge smile appeared on her face as she kissed my lips with a great force...

"I love you more..." She said

I smiled and we both drifted to sleep...

The Next Day

Alina POV

Today is the day that everyone is coming over to ours and I'm really exited,first of all,we get to see all our Uni lot,I've missed them so much,plus I heard there is a new addition to the group so I'm exited to see that,and lastly,mine and Zayn's families are going to meet for the first time. I don't know if should be nervous as well but I actually don't need to because Zayn is almost having a breakdown.

He's so tense and he wants today to perfect,but I don't get why it should. I asked him what's wrong and he just just said he's nervous because he's going to meet my dad but I don't believe him.

I let him run around like a headless chicken for the last hour just to let him calm down then I'm going to bring him back to earth..

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