Chapter 21. Late Nights

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A/N The pic above is the way Alina and Zayn slept,Enjoy ;)

Zayn POV
Again, I got distracted by her eyes, her beautiful brown eyes. I can't seem to get over her eyes...and again I know she feels it too. She is feeling what I'm feeling.

"Erm, Zayn, You're crushing me..." She said. I didn't realise that I was on top of her, My arms were supporting my weight before but I must've let go...

"Sorry.." I laughed..

"Oh it's alright, you should've known I could beat you in a fight..." She joked. I feel like she could beat me in a fight...even if was armed. I forget that scary thought and ask her something...

"Can I ask you question love?" I said, lying down beside her...

"I've told you before,ask me whatever you want" She said...

"Why do you have those 'issues'?" I said. I lift my head up, putting weight on my elbow

"Oh erm, well if you wanna know that I'd have to tell you the full story about me and Sean.." She said, looking down. Why did I have a feeling that that dick had something to do with it.

"Sean did this?" I said...

"It all started when I was 16...and he was 18. We were a couple. I was clueless and he took advantage of that. He always wanted sex but I was a virgin and I wasn't ready but he didn't care and he...he raped me. After a while, my parents noticed that I was acting strange and I just gave up so I told them. There was enough proof on my body to get him sent to prison" I cut her off

"Is that why he thought you owed him money when he came out?" I said

She carried on..."Yeah so while he was in prison, I was still messed. That's when I almost drank myself to death and constantly got In trouble with police. But after I got sentenced 6 months, it was a real eye opener. I promised myself I wouldn't drink or get in trouble. That didn't quite work out because I got stopped by the police once or twice that's why I got sent to Bradford but I've been sober 2 years so I guess I'm doing good..." She explained

My heart almost broke when I heard that someone took advantage of her,someone tried hurting her but we all know that 'someone' got what he deserved because he's dead now.

"I'm so sorry Alina, it must've hurt bad..." I said...trying to comfort

"It hurt every single time...every time he pushed me onto the bed,it hurt so much, my body couldn't take anymore so my mind and body became completely numb." Her voice broke, trying not to cry

"You know I would never try to hurt like that, ever" I said, putting my arms around her and giving her a little squeeze

"Yeah, I know Zayn, you're different but if this was last year,if a guy touched me whilst I was asleep or if I was out of it, I would start panicking, I would scream or cry or do something crazy but I'm better now, a lot better, and I need to move on."  She said

"And I'll help you, all you need to do is ask. I don't even know how you kept all that in." I said

"I don't know how I did that either to be honest," She laughed... "any way let's stop talking about that...let's change the subject." She said and I fully agree with her.

I hate that Alina went through all that. The past two years have been a huge nightmare for her. If only I could do anything to change what happened. The fact that she had to go through all that on her own kills me. Even when Sean died, she kept quiet about her past. I found a top topic to talk about so I just spoke about that.

"So what did you think about my acting. You know, as Romeo.." I laughed

"Oh..well must say, you did amazing! " She laughed. I'm glad she's laughing. I don't want her staying upset all night....

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