Chapter 34.Unstable.

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Alina POV

'Zayn,Zayn,please,hold on! We can do this! We can survive...We've done it before...We can do it again.'  I hold Zayn tighther as the walls close in,tighter and tighter. We going to get squashed to death. This is a gruesome way to die and it's my fault.I am getting punished for all the things I've done and all the people I love are going down with me. He is punishing me by using the things I'm mostly afraid of. Zayn is about to breath his last death,why am I telling him that we''ll survive.

I kiss Zayn's forehead whilst he's bleeding to death,he manages to grab my hand and squeezes it...

"I love you so much...but Alina you have English to go to..." He chokes out

"English?"  I say,feeling the walls touch the side of my body...

"Alina wake up we have to get to class!" I hear Hannah's voice wake me up..

I'm breathing heavily as my heart is beating faster than normal..I must've falled asleep in History class..

"It was just a nightmare.." I whisper

No wonder,we were learning about WW2 and Hitler.

"Listen,I get this class was a little boring but you shouldn't have fallen asleep!" She laughed and pulled me outta class and walked to me to English..

We came back from Zayn's place yesterday,and I kinda wish we could go back. It was just so cool there. Zayn's sisters made me feel like I was one of their sister's and it was just so nice feeling that love..I guess..

"Okay,so class,if you were in the judges position would you say Riley Stone is Unstable or just desperate.." Miss asked

"Desperate..." Some kids argued

"No definatly unstable.." Everyone else argued

We've been reading this story about a 24 year old man called Riley Stone,he was brought up by mentally disabled parents and Riley himself was always weird. He always had a thing for killing and serial killers but he wasn't a bad person,he was a nice person deep down until he was found by a weird old man who gave him the job to murder innocent people for $100 a week,he was already messed up and he accepted the job happily because he desperately needed the money since he was poor and left with hardly anything,he tried quitting the job but there was no way out...

"Zayn?" Miss asks

"I think unstable,his parents were mental and he was into all that murder stuff..." Zayn said

"But he wanted to quit,he hated the guilt he was just desperate,he did it to survive.." I said

This got me thinking about me...and my life,my past. I was desperate once,some say I was...unstable.
It was making me feel weird...when one is desperate for an escape,for a happy ending,they will do anything...even if you have to spend the rest of your life,repenting for

Class ended and me and Zayn were going to chill in my dorm room....

"Babe are you okay? Why where you daydreaming?"  Zayn asks me,I unlock my room door and I see a social worker?

"Hello Alina,your dorm advisor let me in,it's time for your two year review." He smiles...

"...that's why..." I look at Zayn,answering his question...

Two year's already? I can't believe it went so quickly....

"Okay Alina,we'll be needing a witness,someone who has been with you for at least 6-8 months..." He said

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