Chapter 35. Zayn's Dark Side

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Alina POV

A lot has changed in the last three years. I've moved from London to Bradford,I've made amazing friends which I hope our friendship lasts for ever...and last but not least,I've met someone who truly loves me and takes care of me and makes my heart beat every second when he's around..I met my love,Zayn.

It's amazing how one person can make such an impact on your life. Zayn has done nothing but take care of me,he protects me,he makes me laugh,he makes me feel like the only girl in the world,he is the one person who I absolutely cannot live how can I leave him for a month to go to London?

Yeah,that's right,bloody London!

The half term break is coming and Mum wants me home,she wants to spend proper time with me and so does dad,after all we haven't really seen each other for a while...

How will I break this to Zayn? He'll get so upset,or angry?!

"Alina?" I heard Harry's voice...

"Yeah,oh sorry..." I laughed...I must've been daydreaming throughout this boring science class,me and Harry sit next to each other..

"Something wrong Alina?" Harry said

"I'd be lying if I said there wasn't..." I said

"Spill!" He smiled

"My parents want me home for this holiday.." I said

"What's wrong with that?" He asked

"I'll be leaving Zayn for a whole month..." I said

"Oh...I get it." He said

"Yeah,I know it sounds stupid, but even a minute without him hurts..." I said

"No Alina it's actually not stupid,that's how I feel about Paige..." He said

"Yeah,so what do I do?" I asked

"Just tell him,I'm sure he'll-wait,why can't you just ask him to go with you?" He suggested

"Yeah,me,Zayn and my two annoying parents,fun!" I exclaimed

"Come on,it can't be that bad.." He chuckled

"It's that bad Haz,they only knew Sean and George so they probably think that my expectations are very very low!" I said

Okay fair enough,i'll say what I was going to say before,just tell Zayn,I'm sure he'll understand,he may find it hard but as they all say,distance keeps the heart fonder."  He said

"Yeah?" I asked,giggling at his last comment

"Yes Alina! Go for it!" He said,nudging my shoulder

"Okay!" I laughed


"Okay! Okay Zayn I'm coming" I said to Zayn on the phone. He called me in a hurry and asked me to go to his room...I don't know what was so important

I walked to his dorm and opened his door,they first thing that catches my eye are the beautiful fairy lights hanging from the ceiling.Then I see Zayn holding a bunch of DVD's...

"Zayn?" I smiled,walking into the room

"..I er,wanted to treat you and just spend the night together..." He said,he sounded so cute...

"Zayn,how did you know about my obsession for fairy lights?" I giggled,walking closer to him

"I did my research..." He winked

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