Chapter 12. Big Mistake: Pt 2

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Zayn POV
I can't believe I just said that to Alina. I would never say anything like that to anyone,yet I got so angry and those words slipped out my tongue and I can never get them back. I can't imagine how Alina must be feeling,she tried so hard to avoid me and all I did was make it worse.
Can you really blame me though? Those things Jacob was saying about Alina killed me. How could he even think to disrespect women like that.

In my last class,I couldn't focus at all. My mind was only on Alina. I can't stop thinking about her yet she hates me and...I hate her. She gets me so angry,she pushes my buttons but every time I try being rude or angry at her,I just can't. She has changed me. Big time. She is the only person who has managed to change me as a person. She is just different and I'm confused. I don't even know how I feel about her. I can't love her... I can't love her because I know she'd never love me back. If i hated her,she'd hate me back.
Either way,I lose.

After last lesson I went to my room. I had a few cuts on my lip which i needed to fix. I have a couple of bruises but I'm not half as bad as Jacob.

After checking all my cuts and bruises,I sat with Liam. Bro talk was needed!

"Sup." Liam said..

"Hey. Liam?" I say..


"I'm a terrible person aren't I?"

"Listen,you're not terrible but what you said to Alina was a little out of hand."

"I know! I feel terrible. It's just...she,she makes me so angry. She get's me so angry but I hate shouting at her..."

"I know mate,I know you care about her."

"She is so different,that what I like about her.I don't like her,I just admire her. That's why I care. I mean if anything like that happened with Dani or the other girls,I would feel just as terrible,I care for Alina just like I care for the girls." I say..

"So you look at her like a sister.."

"No,ha,if we got that far i'd be surprised but I just want her to see that I do care for her.."

"Okay,so now the question is,how will you show her because every time you too are together something bad happens." He says. And he's right.

"See,that's the thing,I don't know." I was hoping he'd give me something good.

"Listen,before you do anything drastic,I think you should talk to her first."

"And say what. She'll probably kick me before I say the first word." I say..

"Well,just do it where you two won't have any distractions!"

"English! The class is usually quiet plus no one we know will be there!" I say.

"What about Jacob.." He says. Shit,I forgot about that cunt.

"Oh who cares about him,he sits at the back anyway."

"Listen mate,don't get into anymore fights with him! If he says anything just ignore it!" He says. I'm glad I have a mate like Liam. He's always got awesome advice and he's just a good friend..

"Okay fine! But I'll try talk to Alina tomorrow in English." I say

I just want to make amends with Alina,I'm tired of fighting and I hope she is as well.

"Alright mate,it's getting late. You should get some rest."


This Means War. - Zayn MalikOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora