Note and Updating tonight

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Hey guys, I just want to tell everyone my new plan and something that you may be happy about. Now don't get your hopes up though, I'm still thinking about it and if I do go along with this then it may be out by...March maybe. 


After I'm done this book, Rejected, Achilles' Luna, and Blackthorn Luna there will be no more sequels to my books. Unless the book has many votes and people really really want a sequel, then I'll post one. With school and my issues with getting so tired during the day, I can't keep up with all of these stories. It's my fault, I know, but I just have SO MANY ideas that go through my head and I have to write them before I forget. I'm currently writing one that is not posted as of right now, I want to finish this book and Rejected before I post that one. Once I graduate I'll have a lot more time during the summer for maybe short stories involving my stories. 


I am thinking about making a third book to this series once this book is completed. It will either follow the events after this book about Samuel and Emerald's life with Lucia and Mark. If I do this it will either be in Emerald's POV or Samuel's. There is a possibility it will lead up to the events of "A Beauty and The Beastly King" and this book. I'm not sure yet. If I do decide to write this book it's going to take a lot of planning. It may even be in Third Person POV. I want this book to be actually worth the read and votes. Half the time I feel like my writing hasn't really improved.

And please understand this, I do get writer's block. Especially when I'm exhausted. I have trouble falling asleep and will sleep for maybe 4 or 5 hours a night. Sometimes even 3. I have a terrible sleeping schedule, I'm going to have to make myself a better schedule. This is one of the reasons my other sequels are taking a while to be updated. I just don't have the energy to think. I don't plan the whole book out, I write as I go. Which means, the chapter I'm going to post tonight...isn't even written yet. I will literally come up with ideas while I'm writing the new chapter. My imagination is literally insane and I struggle to stay focused on one story. 

I just love writing this series, that's why this sequel will probably be finished in a week or two. 

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