Chapter 1- Party!

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I've never been the one to die of excitement when it came to my birthday, I almost dread the attention, there's just so much energy and smiling and people. Yet everyone around me is obsessed with them, especially this one. 18.
I know I'm supposed to feel different, older, my wolf is ready to mate now, ready.
I'm supposed to be ready to start my life today and all I feel is cold. Sure, May in Blue Fields is supposed to still be hot but the weather didn't seem to care.

More than anything I feel empty. My parents are supposed to be here, they're supposed to give me advise and tease me for being nervous. My brother, Stefan, tries but it's just not the same thing, he's all I have left.
I woke up early knowing if I didn't my brother and my best friend would give me hell for missing too much time out of such an important day.
I took my time taking a shower and doing my makeup but I just let my hair dry naturally. So it looked like I tried to look cute but didn't really commit to it, it's good enough for me. I decided to just wear jeans, a sweater, and boots considering outside is not Kath friendly weather.
I hate cold, but I love snow, and it's not snowing so I just hate the weather.

"Happy birthday." I saw Lana had poked her head in.

"Thanks." She gave me a hug.

"Oh you're all ready, where are you going?" She walked in keeping her hand behind her back. Oh no, presents.

"Breakfast?" I questioned.

"But it's your birthday." She pouted and I laughed.

"So I can't have breakfast?" I went back to the mirror to finish my eyeliner.

"No, but you have to do fun stuff." I rolled my eyes.

"I might go on a run later." She groaned and I laughed. "No, no more, there's a party tonight and that's enough. I just wanna eat food and stay inside." I insisted.

"You suck. It's a big day!" I turned around without finishing the second eye.

"My big day, I get to say what we're doing." I pointed out and she groaned.

"Fine. But I'm just saying, I don't want these tickets to go to waste." She pulled her hand out from behind her and I saw what she was holding. "They're matinee. We have to go like now."

"You did not." My eyes started tearing up. "Dear Evan Hansen?" She nodded showing me. "I'm going to cry." She laughed.

"What about your run?" She teased and I laughed.

"How long's the drive?" I finished my second eye finally being ready.

"Like an hour and a half, but with traffic and parking, I say we leave in an hour." She offered and I nodded.

"I'll be ready." I told her.

"Happy birthday Kath." She yelled leaving the room and I screeched, I've  been trying to get tickets for months. 
I decided to curl my hair in this case and went ahead with a cuter shirt.

"Look who finally decided to show up." Stefan, my brother, stood up as I walked into the kitchen. "Happy birthday." I gave him a hug. "This is from Mom, it was hers." I opened the box he handed to me to see a necklace with a tiny broomstick and smiled although my heart sank. "She would've wanted you to have it." He helped me put it on. "You'll get my gift later tonight." I just nodded brushing him off. "Feeling older?" I shook my head. "I'm guessing Lana already told you?" I grinned.

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