Chapter 29- Fate's way

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"I could never forget you." I told my soul mate. As I walked out the door I felt the throbbing in my chest. I want to stay, but she's right. I can't just sit here and wait for her. It's not fair to either of us.

I guess I will just have to deal.

The way to New Orleans seemed to last forever. I wanted to turn back and see Kathryn there waiting for me, awake, with open arms. I messed up so bad with her. I can't seem to get the picture of her beautiful smile out of my head. The sound of her laughter, her warm, soft, touch.

I dropped my things off at the hotel Kath had ready waiting for us, she was supposed to be here with me.

I headed with my guitar to the location of the audition in a cab.

Finally arriving, I realized I wasn't nervous at all. It's true that it's always been my dream to be accepted into their group but I wouldn't mind going back to the pack house.

I shook the thoughts out of my mind and walked in the room, it's a normal music room, small, and neat.

"You must be Lucas! Kathryn spoke a lot about you, did she come with you?" A guy who I know to be the leader of the group, his name is Brian, I haven't met him before but he is popular amongst singers in North America.

"It's Luke! And no unfortunately Kathryn couldn't make it!" I explained trying to not look down.

"Oh, okay Luke, I'm Brian!" He offered me a hand. I shook it. "What happened to her though? She's not usually the one to miss action. Is it the baby?" I didn't know how to answer. It's a yes and no.

"She told you about that?" I asked curiously.

"I've known your girlfriend since she was a toddler! I went to high school with her father! She told me that she was expecting but still wanted to come, did something happen?" He insisted. He looks way too young to have gone to school with her father but I just let it go.

"You could say that, we lost the baby a couple of weeks ago." His face went from a grin to a sad expression.

"Oh I'm sorry! And she let you to come here alone? That doesn't sound like her." He insisted, I really don't want to talk about this. Although he is absolutely right, Kath should've been here, she wanted to be here.

"Yeah, um...she has been very upset, and distracted after the loss and last week, she fell and hit her head," I took a deep breath, "She ended up going into a coma from the impact." His jaw fell open.

"Oh god, that's terrible. I'm sorry." I nodded politely. "She told you to come anyways didn't she?" I stared at him, how can he possibly know? "You're psychic aren't you?" How does he know? I nodded and he smiled.

"How did you know?" He opened his mouth and extended canines showed. Vampire. They soon disappeared again.

"I sensed the power when you came in." Power? "So lets get to business." I nodded. "Do you need any instruments? I see you have the guitar but do you need someone to play anything? Piano? Drums?" I thought about it, I was hoping he would ask.

"I could use a piano!" I said and he nodded.

"Kat." He called outside in the hallway. A cute short brunette came in at his call. She had colorful highlights all over her hair and killer green eyes.

"Hi! You must be Lucas! I'm Katherine but you can call me Kat, or Kate, or Kath, or Katy, or Katie, well whatever you want." Kath, no. Kath is my Kathlyn, she's not her.

God I miss Kath so much already.

"It's Luke! And I think I'll call you Katie!" She nodded grinning widely.

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