Chapter 26- Family ties

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AN: so like I said, this is a while after, and th chapter begin s as Rachel gave birth. (by the way, I completely made up that little story on Aries so don't believe anything you read, it all came from my imagination)

Also since I have few chapters left, yes there will be only 31 chapters to the story, and maybe a bonus one, I decided to do dedications and this chapter is dedicated to mayabug99 for being a great supporter!

Chapter 26

*4 months later*


I feel huge. I'm gigantic. The past few months have been all about me and Rachel, and our growing a lot babies.

Turns out Sunny was right, my baby is a big girl. For almost 5 months I could easily pass by 6 or a small 7 month. Mirian is been watching us every second. She controls everything and anything we do. I mean everything.

Riley is been oddly quiet and I know his silence can't possibly be good. I have a strange feeling like he knows everything that's going on.

Luke has been going to Lauren a lot often lately, she's helping him get mentally ready to be a father. Then he goes off to Sunny and she helps him learn about what he can do. He already knows a few things, like how to sense people's auras, making it impossibly hard to lie to him. With everything he's been up to lately I barely spend time with my mate. No one lets me out of the house so school is not an option, but I make Luke go anyways. Of course under the eyes of Lana, Mike, Cassie, Kyle, Mark, and all the other kids in our pack that go to the school.
I'm finishing the semester I need graduate this month.
They always tell me everything that happens and Cassie already blew off a few thirsty bitches that had their aim on my mate, I did kind of get jealous that it couldn't have been me to tell the sluts off but I'm thankful she did. She is now part of the pack and a fully marked and mated human, or as we rather call them here, non-shifters, both her and Luke found 'Human' a little offensive. I haven't re-marked Luke but we surely mated, Being pregnant heightened my sexual needs a lot. I always want to mark him, to feel like he's completely mine again but I'm still afraid of Riley.

Luke is always doing something during the day, and the only times I actually see him during the week is during the night and we still have separate rooms, and in weekends we spent most of the time glued together.

My baby girl grew so much, I changed so much during the pregnancy. But I feel so super fat. I love carrying her with me but I feel completely ready to pop, I feel like she needs to get out soon or I'll explode. Carter says I still have at least 7 more weeks but I really don't think she'll last that long inside me.

Luke and I argued a lot about her name, according to him 'Its a pretty huge deal to pick the perfect name for our first of many babies' I just laughed at that, how cute, he thinks there's going to be many more. I'm fine with just one for a few years, if it happens again okay, great. But I'm going as far as 3. I don't know how Mirian did this 3 times, it feels amazing and terrible at the same time. I feel extremely clingy, missing Luke every tenth of a second he's away from me.

After months of arguing, a few weeks ago we finally agreed on Arielle. I found it weirdly cute when he first thought about it, but he told me why and I didn't think twice before agreeing. He showed me a book, the only thing he had left from his mother. She left him the book as a memory of her.

The book was the story a girl named Aries, she was a fighter, a warrior in every way, she was believed to be a real angel on Earth. The story took plot centuries ago, and Aries was a run-way. She had been utterly beautiful and for that reason she was wanted by many men she didn't love. Her true love, Eron, had tried to escape with her from the terrible life they lived. He ended killed by her father who also sold her to a slave-master who only wanted to use her. She did everything she was told, and did her best to keep everyone around her happy. The beautiful girl's happiness had died along with her love. After her father's death, her mother helped her escape the mean men that tormented her. She ran until she couldn't anymore, Aries always wanted to live despite the conditions in which she lived in. She eventually gave up on her life to be with her love. She had fought and both won and lost, many battles in her short life and her spark died. The angel made a deal with the greek gods, to take away her beauty and give her back her love. For Eron, it didn't matter what she looked like, she would always be his angel in his eyes, and so it was when he returned to life. They lived a long and happy life away from everyone in the forest. When their bodies were found together many years later, that their love was stronger than death itself.

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