Chapter 22- Change

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AN: there are a lot of pov changes in this chapter so pay attention! And don't forget to vote and comment!


Lately Cassie is been acting weird. She disappears sometimes and then pops out of nowhere like she wasn't even gone.

But she's not the only weird one. I feel strange. My head is really confusing, I can't remember much since I moved in, I can't remember making any friends or anything. I can't even remember meeting anyone at all. It's as if my mind is playing games on me. I have these dreams, where there are other people, I don't know their names, but I feel close to them. As if I knew them. Dreams, in those dreams the world is so much better, but of course I only dream when I'm able to fall asleep, which I have been having trouble.

My relationship with Cassie changed too. I used to love her so much, and don't get me wrong, I still like her but it's not the same.

For the past week I've been feeling empty.

When I toss and turn at night, and can't seem to sleep, I look at the stars and for some reason I can't understand, I feel like there's something missing. I've been feeling like something was taken from me. I feel like I'm forgetting something. Like there's something I should know, or just simply remember.

This past week is been the most confusing.

Last night however, the strangest. I woke up from one of the dreams in the middle of the night, in the dream there was a girl, not Cassie, but a girl, I couldn't see her face but she had dirty blonde hair and something about her made me happy. We were sitting on a roof-top looking at the stars, the scene changed and the next thing I saw was a light brown, reddish wolf, she was so big and mesmerising, and there were something about her eyes that I couldn't stop staring at them. I woke up panting, the dream had been so real. It was almost if I felt it, if it was a memory and not a dream. Not that that's possible. When I woke up from it, it was still in the middle of the night, I went to my window to see the stars and I heard a low whisper in my head, it was humming lyrics of a song I hadn't heard. It was so strange, but that little voice made me so strangely happy. It made me want to know more about it.

I wonder what's been happening, I mean I can't possibly have stayed home the entire time after I moved here. Yet I can't remember going out, except for the first week, then I remember going to the movies with Cass and everything else is a blur.

I have been feeling sick lately, and Cass said that I've been really sick for a while now and that's why I can't remember a lot of my time here, but I really don't think that's it.

I went to the doctor yesterday in the morning when she had gone out to 'work'. I didn't know she had a job in the first place. On my way to the hospital I saw Cassie's cousin Lana, and I remember meeting her, well sort of. She acted really strange and left before I could actually talk to her. In the actual check-up I did, because I really believed I had a fever, he found absolutely nothing. Then the doctor, who I really think I've seen somewhere before, Carter, was his name, recomended me to a psychiatrist, saying that my illness was probably all in my head.

So here I am. In the waiting room of a psychiatrist's office.

A short young girl told me to go in and I reached for the door thanking her. This better be good.


I stayed up the entire night gazing at the sky and listing to my music. The sky is now completely light, it must be around 8am since the sun is out and shining on a really beautiful day.

I heard a knock on the door and told whoever it was to come in. A grinning Carter walked in and came over to me embracing me into a bear hug I didn't realize how much I needed, Wow I really need some quality time with my friends.

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