Chapter 28- Invisible

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AN: So thanks for all the feedback I got in the last chapter, I was extremely happy, so this chapter is longer. And warning, if you've read this far you know how dramatic it gets, and it will be VERY dramatic! so don't say I didn't warn you! Enjoy :):

Chapter 28

Forever is something that gets me thinking. Nothing is forever. We all refuse to believe the truth of reality. We pretend and hang on to the hope that maybe there is something in this life that will remain long after we are gone.

The few who accept the reality of infinity, try to find other ways to be remembered. The power of the thought of being honored after death is stronger than one's power of will. The mind searches without acknowledgement for something to hang on to. Something to make life worth it. To strenghten the desire to keep living.








All emotions in general are what keeps us going. From the beauty of love to the darkness of anger, these feelings are what separate reality from fiction.

When I think of forever, there is never a definite answer. Life is unpredictable.

All the knowledge our world claims to have, is nothing compared to the endless possibilities of the future. So much is yet left to the unknown, but one thing is certain. When it comes to life, nothing should be expected.


Light flashed in my eyes as I opened them. I was moving fast and the feeling as the wind touch me, a sensation so amazing I doubt I will forget.

I'm wearing a light white dress that reminds me of a nightgown.

Where I am is light and beautiful, peaceful. It resembles a flower camp, White roses surrounded the place. The golden light couldn't possibly make me feel more welcomed. Suddenly the gush of wind stopped as I stopped in place. I hadn't been running, it felt more like floating. As my bare feet touched the soft grass I felt peaceful. I reached down and touched the soft petals of one of the many white roses. Looking closer I saw it wasn't completely white, it had tiny golden dots at the tip. It gave me a feeling of love, a family's love.

As I touched the rose, the image of my brother came to my mind. Stefan. I wonder if he's okay.

I found one with tiny hints of blue that reminded me of Lana, my best friend, my sister, the one who was always there for me.

I touched another one, this one, with pink dots that seemed fragile yet strong. From the instant I touched it, I saw my baby. The image from one of my dreams came to my mind as I caressed the soft petals. I held the baby in my arms and she smiled at me in her innocent, angelic face.

I looked around and one specific flower caught my attention, I hadn't seen it before. It was white like the others but it had hints if red clear and noticeable from far. I touched the petal and his face came in my mind. Luke. My amazing mate. My Lucas, he was mine. The thought of him made a tear slip from my eyes and into the flower.

Despite the peace of this heavenly place, I felt sad, no longer complete.

"I have to go back." I whispered to the flower. "He needs me." I don't know why but I felt the need to say the words out loud.

Suddenly the light, beautiful sky was angry. Clouds blocked the sun and rain poured down as I heard thunder and saw the flash of lightning.

Then it was gone. The place, everything. I was standing in a hospital room in the pack house. I saw Stefan sitting with his hand in hands away from the bed, he looked exhausted. Carter too looked tired and worried and like he had been crying. Lana was sitting next to Mike, her face in his chest. I walked next to Luke who was sitting in a chair next to the bed, I can't see who it is in the bed but he's crying a lot, sobbing. His head was in the person's stomach. I touched his shoulder to try to get him to calm down. He didn't react to my touch at all. Like he didn't feel it.

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