Chapter 27- Hopeful tragedy

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This chapter is dedicated to LettiSmith007 'cause she made my day when I was in the middle of writing this and one of her stories kind of gave me this idea because I realized how much I can actually play around with the family history between Kathlyn and Luke.

Sorry for the long author's note! Enjoy!! And please vote and comment!!

Chapter 27


"They're here." Stefan said and the room tensed I gave Luke's hand a light squeeze. "I will go talk to them and you guys stay here. Especially you Naomi. I have to make sure they can control themselves." He nodded at Rachel. "I need you to come with me." She gave one last look at her baby and looked at me questioning, I nodded knowing she wanted me to watch him and she headed off with Stefan. I turned to Luke and saw he was pale and breathing hard. I led him to sit down and rubbed his back.

"Hey it's okay, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." He shook his head.

"That's not it." He whispered and his hand touched my baby-bump, he sighed relieved when he felt a kick. "When they walked I just got this feeling," He shook his head and smiled. "It's okay I'm fine! And you know I want to do this, I want to talk to her." I nodded and tried to convince myself it's okay, but something inside me told me there's something awfully wrong about to happen.

Will and Naomi were talking excitedly.

Nicholas started to cry and I was the first one to try to calm him down. I guess I'm not the only one who has a bad feeling. I took him in my arms and rocked him back and forth as I paced around.

I found it really strange that Arielle seemed to be going crazy, she was kicking furiously and it actually hurt. She didn't want to calm down. When I sat down and the crying from Nick started again Will took him from me and rocked him until he stopped crying.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked when I rubbed my belly trying to get my baby to calm down.

"There's something off. And I'm not the only one who noticed it, because she won't stop kicking." I told him.

"Yeah and he won't sleep." Will said. Luke rubbed where the kicking was hurting me and it seemed to calm her down a little, but not completely.

A few minutes later Rachel came in and took Nicholas on her lap.

"Stefan is calling you Luke." She said and he glanced at me "Alone, for now." I nodded and he kissed my forehead before heading down.

After a while my brother called me through the link. I went down to meet them. I saw a familiar short blonde woman with a weary expression that turned into full surprised when she saw me and a tall, dark haired, man that looked extremely uncomfortable. I walked and sat next to Luke.

"Hello!" I said and smiled politely.

"Sarah." The woman who I figured must be Isabel, said quietly making me confused.

"No I'm Kathryn, Sarah was my mother you knew her?" I asked and she ignored the question.

"Oh I'm sorry, you're very pretty Kathryn! I hear you're my nephew's mate! But he didn't tell me you were expecting." She smiled mentioning my baby. I nodded.

"Yes we're having a little girl in little more than a month!" I told her.

"Have you chosen the name yet?" Jace asked surprising me. I looked at Luke waiting for him to answer.

"Yes actually, Arielle. We're naming her after my mother." He said and they both went pale.

"Alpha Jace, there is also a topic that we need to discuss in private. There's someone else here that would love to see you." He looked confused but didn't argue, he followed Stefan up to his office. Luke seemed to be reading my mind.

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