Chapter 31- The Truth About Forever

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Kathryn's pov

For 3 short months I helped Carter train Luke. In general it was awful. Constantly watching him struggle but we knew he had more potential that he was letting himself work.

We spend the nights together and I took his pain away.

"Come on Luke. You can go faster than that." I yelled bumping into him as we ran. I was the one coaching today and he wasn't even close to his full speed. It's harder for bitten wolves to grow to their full potential but he could do it. I know Luke, he never gives up.

"I can't." He yelled back while running.

"If you can talk while running you're not fast enough." He suddenly stopped and dropped to the floor. Sitting with his knees to his chest against a tree. I sighed knowing he wasn't having a good day. Training can be very emotionally disturbing if you don't have a goal. "Hey." I said softly crouching in front of him. "What is it?" I asked reaching for his arm, which he flinched away from me.

"Don't touch me right now." He snapped and I raised my eyebrows at him. "I can't do this." He told me once again.

"Yes Luke, you can." I assured him. "I've ran with your wolf remember? You're not there yet but you can do so much better." He chuckled coldly.

"And why would I want to finish this training crap? So I could go to New Orleans and you to New York?" Oh that's what this is about again.

"No, so you can learn to like it, to be able to control yourself outside of the pack house. To go into town without flipping out and shifting in the middle of a restaurant because of a mistake in your drink." I explained. He had never done this, but untrained wolves are wild and their emotions are uncontrollable. "I know you're angry and that this isn't easy, but I can promise you that when you get there, when this training is over, you'll be ready to face anything." I told him and put a hand to his face now sitting on my knees. "I know you can do this Luke." I smiled softly at him and stood up offering him my hand. "Come on." He sighed and took off without taking my hand. Yet now he was running a lot faster than before. Sometimes they just need a little push.


We left for our destinations on the last day and it was devastating but we talk every night on the computer or by cell phone but we find a way to talk.

Sure I worried about all the other women he was surrounded with, and I'm sure he has many at his feet because of the band and all, but after we fought about it twice I learned to trust him completely and him to trust me, we're loyal to each other because our love is too important and beautiful to risk.

"Hey." I smiled answering the phone as I left the building. There was a moment of silence. "Luke?" I called starting to fear for his well-being.

"Yeah I'm here." He answered in a calm voice. "I just needed a moment. My wolf is been on edge, we miss you." He told me breaking my heart.

"I miss you too." I admitted. "I have this weekend off, why don't you meet me half way and we can spend a day together?" I offered.

The program Stefan and Lana signed me up to is truly amazing. Most people in it are human but they are just too talented.

My best friend here is Nate, the best friend a girl can have. He's the most amazing person I've ever met. If I can call anyone that obsessed with Broadway a person. It's funny though, ever since he broke up with his boyfriend last month we've watched Hamilton three times. Not that I'm complaining. When in doubt, trust Broadway.

I moved I with him and he knows every thing about me, well except for the facts that I'm not human, but lately my wolf hates me for being away from Luke.

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