Chapter 19- Finally Mine (part 1/3)

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She is late. I don't like it. She knows I don't. She better have accomplished her task.

When she finally came in she was breathing fast. Nervous, good.

"You are late." I said as she walked in and sat across from me in my desk. "Do you have permission to sit Cassandra?" I used her full name because I know it scares her. I'm going to have fun with this. She stood up immediatly.

"I'm sorry sir, the reason of my lateness shall be presented once I am allowed to explain the events of the week." She said trying to sound formal.

"You may sit Ms.Lantine." Ha she hates her last name and I had to control my laughter at her reaction. She sat down. "Was your task accomplished?" I asked curious.

She was shaking slightly.

"Partially Sir." She answered nervously.

"What do you mean partially?" I said getting mad. How hard can it be to make a stupid werewolf insecure?

"The subject #1 was fooled by the spell I used on subject #2." Kathryn was fooled, the spell I gave her, she used on my pathetic excuse of a half-brother. "She tried, I've heard suicide but failed. She went into a coma-like state for two days and woke up last morning." Good so far. But I am disappointed, if only Kathryn had her mother's strength.

Sarah had been an amazing woman, not only in beauty but both emotionally and phisically strong. "She was at the party after having a mental break down in front of the mirror," She stopped and I leaned into the desk.

"And?" I urged her to keep going.

"I followed your order and made sure saw me with subject #2. When you contacted me sir, I had to leave before answering, and that's when subject #2 ruined the plan." She explained.

"What?" She had one task. I'm starting to think this girl won't do me any good. She is too naive for the job.

"Subject #1 was fragile and subject #2 showed her what happened with the spell and she regained her confidence." Luke, he already killed my mother's magic now he wants to ruin my plans that's not going to happen.

"And the reason for your lateness?" I really hate latenesses.

"Subject #5 made me stay and I used the time to make sure subject #1 is really going through the heat." Lana, or Laura whatever her name was, had just made my day. Her heat. That's exactly what I needed.

"You are dismissed." She got up and I realized her extremely short skirt. "And Cass?" She turned.


"Wear an appropriate skirt next meeting, provoking someone as powerful as me will not do you any good." I said and she blushed nodding and walking away. Humans, so incredibly stupid all the time. What hateful creatures.

I smirked to myself and started to plot my next move.


"Good Morning Sleeping Beauty." Luke's voice said as soon as I opened my eyes and I think I'm dreaming for a moment. I spent a few waking hours away from him but I did not like them in the least and I won't be letting him out of my sight.

"Morning." I said back sitting up and looking for him, he was seated at my window-seat. I don't remember going to bed. "What happened?" I said reffering to last night.

"Everyone left or went upstairs, we stayed talking on the couch I got up to get you something to eat and when I came back you were sleeping." That sounds like me. "So I brought you to bed and slept in one of the guest-rooms." He explained. I looked down at my blue pjs and raised an eyebrow at him. "Rachel changed you, not because I didn't want to because she didn't let me do it." He explained and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, last week I would've been fine with being naked in front of him, but all my confidence is gone.

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