Chapter 9- What To Do

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"Are you supertitious?" I said, repeating the question he had asked me not too long ago.

"Yeah I guess." He said with a puzzled expression.

"Do you believe in supernatural creatures?" Was my next question, he was surprised by it.

"What like vampires?" I nodded and he shrugged.

"Vampires, werewolves, witches, angels." I listed.

"Well I guess it's possible that they could exist, but I'm not a big believer." He stated, matter of factly. "Where are you going with this?" He asked.

I sighed, "Come with me." I said before pulling him up with him, enlacing our hands together, and walking towards the forrest. It should be safe to show him what I can't explain.

Luke's POV

Where is she taking me? What was all of this supposed to mean?

When she stoped and looked at me, we were deep into the woods, alone.

"Kathryn, what's going on?" What is she thinking?

"Just stay here, don't move, I'll be right back." She said, and I figured it was better to obey. Then she went behind a tree that like most around here, had a trunk so large and thick, that it covered her whole body.

A few seconds later a wolf came out of the same tree. Not just any wolf I realized, it was the same beautiful wolf I saw the night of Kath's birthday. The wolf was approaching me and every step she took I took one back.

"Kathryn?" I screamed, but there was no answer, I narrowed the wolf. "Where did she go?" She laid down crossing her front paws. "What did you do to her?" I was yelling without realizing it.
The wolf, laid her head in her paws and looked at me, as if waiting for something. When I started walking around screaming for Kath to come back, the wolf disappeared the same direction she had come from and a few moments later, Kathryn came from behind the same tree. I don't understand how this was possible.

"Kath." I ran up to her. "Where did you go?" Not giving her a chance to answer I continued, "There was a wolf, the same one I told you about and she-" My voice coming out fast, and all of a sudden I couldn't breath, there was no air. I realized I was panicking.
I felt my knees give in and I dropped to the floor. In an instant, she was next to me in the floor, rubbing my back.

"Shh it's okay, it's okay." I slowly started to come to my senses again, when I realized what had just happened, my body realized it before I did. The wolf, Kath, they were, she was-

No thats not possible.
It can't be.

I looked at her, and she confirmed my thoughts.
"I'm a werewolf." she said slowly.

"H-ho-how-ow?" I tried to say while still catching my breath.

"Sh, calm down, you're panicking." Her words automatically made me feel better. I caught my breath.

"How is that possible?"

"I promise I'll tell you if you calm down, and listen. Remember, you promised me. Just calm down first okay?" She was really worried.

"I'm calm, it was just the moment of realization. Tell me." I want to know, this doesn't make any sense.

"Let's go back to the cabin." She offered before taking my hand and leading me out of the forrest.

Her hand was shaking a little in mine and it made me realize how much she was really freaking out.

We went to the cabin and I stopped by the door. Frozen in place.
I don't want to go in there without knowing. As if reading my mind she stoped and turned to face me.

"Want to sit by the stream?" She asked and instead of answering I kept walking and we sat down. All I could do was stare out into the water.

I don't know why, she is still the girl I met in the movies, that made me fall head over heels in an instant. I felt her gaze on me but I couldn't look at her.
She meant so much to me already but I can't explain why. It's not natural. Whatever she was, wasn't normal. I'm not sure if I want a part in it.

"Ask me anything you want. I'm human just like you, but with enhanced hearing, sight and healing ability. I can turn into a wolf when I wish to." She explained trying to keep her voice firm, it was clear she was having trouble keepinh it steady.

"How is it possible?" I asked as it was the first thing on my mind.

She smiled. "I was born like this. My family, ancestors, pretty much everyone around here is like me." She explained but it rose more questions.

"Your house, how come almost the entire town population lives there?" She supressed a smile at my question.

"Well werewolves live in packs, that's a pack house. My brother, just like my parents once is the alpha, he's like the leader. The Alpha takes care of all of us. Rachel, his mate, is the Luna, and then there are the beta, omegas, and regular pack members." This made sense, like in all those stories. I nodded then realized she said mate, what is that supposed to mean? For some reason the word caught my immediate attention.

"Mate?" She froze, took a few deep breaths and started.

"When werewolfs are born, just like humans, they have a mate planned out, the mate is like their other half, it's the one person on the planet that we can always count on, with a few exceptions, our species, unlike most humans, are able to recognize our mates after the age of 18." She stopped and I looked at her, her eyes were shinning as she explained, she must have a mate, and a good one, because she loves him alot, it's clear in her eyes. Then why is she telling me this? It doesn't make sense. "Mates can be of the same species, but in some rare cases they're not." She looked at me, as if trying to send a message that I couldn't understand. "They have a connection, so strong, the feeling is what humans call love, passion, the deepest kind of love, is only felt for your mate. They can feel each others pain and most of the time share the same emotions." She stopped, closed her eyes, sighed and continued but I felt like she didn't want to tell me, but she had to. "When they meet, the mates have a chance to reject each other. It's rare because there is much suffering for both sides. Loosing a mate, in any way, can be fatal, or just really painful. It can even cause illness." She finished and looked away. I had to ask even if I didn't really want an answer.

"Your birthday just passed. Have you met your mate?" I felt myself regretting asking, what if she did? she would just be telling me all of this so I would leave her alone. It just doesn't add up.
Why am I jealous? What's wrong with me?

"Yes." She whispered looking me straight in the eyes.

"Do I know him?" I hope not, if I had to leave her, I don't want to know who would take the place I want in her life.
"Yes." She said with a small smile on her face. Fear in her eyes.

"Who?" I couldn't help my curiosity, she took a deep breath.

"Luke, you're my mate." She told me. I don't know what I'm expected to say. I was relieved yet confused.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm sure." What do I do? I need time to think, and research. This is alot of information.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked her helplessly.

"What you want to do. You can do anything you want, reject or accept me. It's your choice." She told me, trying to be strong but I know she was upset that I hadn't made up my mind. I got up.

"Kath I'm sorry but I need time, I have to think about all of this." I told her because I honestly don't know what I want.

She gave me a smile that would've worked on everyone else, but I felt the pang in her chest at my words. "Don't worry about it. Take your time thinking this over, just tell me when you make up your mind." She smiled though I saw it was fake, and I left.

What to do about you, I already know, I can see in your eyes when you're telling the truth cause its been a long time coming.

The lyrics played in my head, because when I had first met her, I knew, something was coming from it. I just never imagined something like this.

So tell me what to do.

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