Chapter 4- The Well Plan

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I can't believe this is all happening to my little sister. Kath was always the one to be smiling even when she wasn't happy, the one to cheer everyone up when nothing would make her truly happy, she deserves better. Its been 9 days since the morning she had been out with Luke in her wolf form, and a week since Lana and Mike had been back, they too had been trying everything. Since then I felt her sliping away.

Usually, even at her worst Kath would smile and say she's okay. This time all you saw was her trying to distract herself or crying in her room. She still tried to pretend like nothing was wrong, but we all knew that she was hurt. After meeting, any periods of time apart will hurt both of them in unexaplainable ways.
Cassie already moved into town, but Luke hadn't yet. He moved most of his things but he was still living in the city, and it was driving me crazy to see my sister in pain from being away from him. I heard Rachel coming in and I looked at her. Her face turned into a scowl quickly.

"Thinking about Kath?" She said, sitting across from me, the desk between us.

"Yeah. I don't know what to do to cheer her up anymore." I told her honestly.

"The only thing that can cheer her up right now, would be, being with her mate." She said, and I looked at her.

"What do you want me to do Rachel? Call him and invite him over?" I said sarcastically.

"Maybe you should do that." Has my mate gone crazy? I just stared at her confused, she came up and stood next to me, grabbed the phone and handed it to me, before I could say anything she put a finger to my lips, not touching, but almost. "Tell Will to take care of things for a few days, we could go down to the lakehouse, us, Mike with Lana, Kathryn, and you could invite Luke." She said like it's the simpler thing on the planet, and it was a good idea just one problem.

"What about Cassie? she would be suspicious." I pointed out and she rolled her eyes.

"She could come too." That confused me, if she wanted Luke to be with Kath, bringing Cassie wouldn't be a solution. "Right now all Kath needs is to be near him. If she's like that, anything will help." She told me and I kissed her quickly before dialing Luke's number.

"You're a genius." I whispered hearing the phone ring then someone picked up.

"Hello?" His voice sounded a bit sick, but I figured its for the same reason as my sister and ignored it.

"Oh hey Luke it's Stefan, Kathryn's brother?"

"Oh hey, whats up?"

"So a few of us are going down to my family's lakehouse later, and I wanted to know if you wanted to join." I told him.

"uhh.." Not a werewolf, for him this is just weird.

"I figured since you and Cassie had become such great friends with my sister, that it would be fun. And since you're new in town I figured you wouldn't have plans, but its fine if you can't make it." I said persuasivaly.

"Uhh sure, okay. I'll talk to Cassie and we'll meet you at your place. What time?" I smirked, that works everytime.

"I was thinking we should leave by 4. since its a pretty long drive."

"Okay we'll meet you guys there by 3:30 then. Just in case. Thanks for the invite."

"Okay then, see you here." I said and with that hang up.

Rachel who had been listening the whole time, had a huge smile on her face and left to go get Kath. I told Will through the pack link that we were going to be away for a few days to watch the pack, he agreed with no problem.
I smiled, you can always count on Rachel to come with life saving plans. I love her for that and everything else.


Rachel had come by my room, excitedly and told me we were going to the lakehouse for a few days, and that we should pack because we're leaving in 3 hours. I told her I didn't want to go, I wasn't really feeling well, but she assured me that it would make me feel way better to go, and I decided I could use the distraction so I agreed. I had just finished packing, and went downstairs with my bag. It was 3:30 but I put my bag in the car. Then Lana came behind me, making me jump, and we laughed at my reaction.

"So how are you feeling?" She asked and I shrugged.

"I'm great, happy to go down to the lakehouse. Haven't been there in a long time." I lied, the second part was true but I wasn't great, quite the opposite actually.

"Yeah me too." She said but I was distracted.

For a second thought I had caught Luke's scent, but I'm probably imagining it. Then I saw Stefan and Rachel come out right after Mike.

"Someone's excited for the trip." Stefan said smiling at me and I shrugged faking a smile. Just get it over with Kath.
You have all your razors still in your room, no reason to panic, it'll be easier to get relief there than here.
Here's almost impossible lately. All eyes are on me, in the pack house everyone seemed to be careful and finding excuses to make me roll up my sleeves. It's impossible to hide anything.

"You know I love the lakehouse and traveling so yes I am." I said happily, it wasn't an entire lie, but I wasn't really excited.

"Great." He looked off at the road, and Luke's scent hit me again, and I knew I wasn't imagining it. He's near. "They're here." What was that supposed to mean?

Then I saw the car pass us and park behind our 2 cars. Then out came Cassie, hand in hand with a very sick-looking Luke. I couldn't move, I was stuck in place.
He's all pale and dry lips and all I can think about is making sure he eats his soup and takes all his meds.
He's not yours Kath, you can't think like that, I had to remind myself again,

'STEFAN' I called to him through the link

'Don't worry.' was all he said before shutting me off.

Looking at Luke he looked terribly pale, and weak. Probably what I've been looking like lately. Just seeing him like this made me want to go hug him and hold him until he was safe and with me forever. Instead I held back, and as they greeted us, we all said hellos and got to the cars.

Then Stefan 'realized' that with our bags in his car, there wouldn't be a seat avaliable for me, and Mike just 'disappeared' with Lana inside when that happened, leaving me no choice but to be separated from my bags and go with Cassie and Luke in his car, but she was driving since he was feeling terrible and all, then we had to argue about who was sicker to go in the back seat. Well at least until Lana showed up and told us both to "suck it up" and we both ended up in the back. Cassie didn't argue and we went.

Stefan's car in the front and Mike's following, ours was right behind.
It was a long drive and every minute I spent in the car with him, made me feel better. I know he did too because his color was back and he already looked stronger. It must have been 2 hours of listening to music, until sleep took over me, and I slept like I hadn't in days. I'm almost sure in my sleep I ended up in Luke's arms.

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