Chapter 20- Lost

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I left the shower with a towel wrapped around my lower half and Kath wasn't in the room, then I saw she left a note saying she went for a run. I got dressed and sat on the bed, then something blocked my air and I felt like my lungs were exploding. I struggled to breath but someone was suffocating me, holding something wet against my face and holding me in place. My head felt lighter.

I woke up to see darkness, the room is completely darkness execpt for a dim light coming from a small circupar window high on top of the wall I'm stuck in. Where I am, I have no idea.

Moving is impossible. I'm stuck standing on my hurt leg, my wrists and ankles have chains on them. My arms are up and separated. The chains are thick and I couldn't escape if I tried. There were also these blue flowers around them. I think they're called wolfs bane. Kath told me they are one of the few things to hurt a werewolf. Kath. Kathryn. I can't feel her in my head, it's if she was never even there. I feel weak. Where are you Kathryn. I hope she's safe. Taking a look around the room I assume it's a basement or cave, something like that. The stench in the air is so bad it makes it hard to breath. There is a door, far off, away from me. A metal door that is probably locked with 7 keys. I finally came to the conclusion that yes, I got myself kidnapped. I heard a screetching noise and made an effort to look up.

A guy, probably in his 20's came in. He must be twice my size and I'm not small myself. He looked me over and growled.

My hopes were crushed, not human. Werewolf.
It's too much to ask for just a human kidnapper.
Great. I have a feeling he bites.

"Where is she?" He spat out.

"Who?" I said weakly, even though its clear he means Kath.

"Your mate, girlfriend, lover, slut, whatever you want to call her. It's been a few hours, shes not here yet. Where is she?" He's really impatient.

"How am I supposed to know? Like you said it's been hours. I'm not psychic, If you were looking for one, you have the wrong guy." I don't like the way he's talking about her, and I surely won't tell him a thing about her.

He gripped my throat. Making me struggle to breath.

"Don't play games with me. You're human, I'm not. Unless you want to make her death more slow and painful then its already planned." He let me go and walked a few steps back.

"You won't kill her. She's strong and fast." I defied regretting it as he spoke next.

"Oh but I will, you see, she will come to find you, then I will rip her throat open, and do it again and again as she begins to heal, she'll eventually die of an extreme amount of blood loss. Screaming for help, right in front of you." I wanted to punch him.

That will never happen. I will die before he lays a finger on her.


I reached the pack house after running as fast as my paws could take me. Adrenaline was running in my veins, I need to find Luke. Seeing Stefan was waiting for me, I didn't bother shifting. I told him everything I knew on my way here.

'What should I do Stefan?' I asked him hopelessly. He ran his hand through the fur in my neck.

'Do you have any idea where he could be?' He asked

'No, He would've told me. Besides his walls that cover his thoughts aren't strong, I can see right through them, but right now its as if he doesn't exist' My wolf was howling inside me.

'You're fully mated now right?'


'So the only thing that could break the bond' he started.

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