Chapter 18- Before It's Too Late

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I closed the door behind me and my back hit the door. I slid down to the floor with a hand to my chest.

The pain I am feeling isn't completely mine, and his is what hurts me the most.

I wish it could've been different.

God how I wish this wasn't happening.

Tears didn't come, I'm done crying. I won't cry forever for something that never happened. A part of me, wanted to go down and run into his arms, mark him as mine and stay with him forever. Forget anything ever even came between us. Turn a blind eye and pretend everything's okay, that he isn't with someone else behind my back or that I can't smell her on his clothes and his skin.

The other part was just mad that he could possibly do that me. Is it too late to fix the damage? I don't know, and neither do I know if I want it to be fixed.

I heard knock on the door and got up.

"What do you want Lana?" I said opening the door.

"To check on you, I saw the way you came in here, what happened?" For gods sake won't anybody leave me alone? Its like I'm dying.

Well I'm not physically, but emotionally yeah I was already dead.

"Luke came to talk to me." I admitted trying to get rid of her.

"About what? have you be drinking?" urgh. I know she is just trying be helpful but its really annoying now.

"He wanted to make sure his 'mate' is still miserable, and I'm not drunk." My wolf whimpered at that thought. "Unfortunately." I mumbled. Drunk is exactly what I needed right now.

Lana pushed me inside the room and closed the door, sitting on my bed. I sat across from her since I figured she wouldn't leave me alone any other way.

"You're an annoying drunk." She complained jokingly then turned serious. "Look Cassie did something terrible, and I think you should let Luke talk, listen to him. If you don't you will regret it. Don't walk away because It's not too late." She said, and left me alone, her words hung in the air. She's right. I will regret it if I don't listen to him. I got up and opened my door. Here we go again.

I walked down the stairs in a pace fast enough so I couldn't talk myself out of this. I stoped short in my tracks when I heard Cassie's voice talking on the phone and listened.



No sir,

I'm sorry it will be done

She's not smart enough and he's a follower.

Oh no, I've got him on the palm of my hands. I used the spell you gave me sir.

Okay thank you sir." I heard her hang up.

I walked the rest of the way like I hadn't heard anything and right past her. I saw Luke sitting down at the same place I left him, his face was hidden in his hands and he didn't see me there until I sat next to him. He looked at me, his eyes were red.

"Were you crying?" I asked a bit shocked. I hadn't seen that coming but I guess I liked it, after all he did a little pain should put him in his place.

"Why do you care?" He asked repeating my question from earlier.

"Because as much as I hate to admit it I care about you." I admitted and surprised him and myself. Lana is right, I will give him a chance to explain himself.

"Didn't seem like it, a few moments." He pointed out and I held back a growl. He can't possibly be serious.

"Wow, you know I came here now to try to listen, to whatever you wanted to say, and to try to understand why you would have a make-out session with your ex in front of me but get jealous when I dance with one of my childhood friends. And you actually try to pull it off that you were the one that got hurt. Give me a break." I got up as tears were finally threatning in my eyes. I felt warm strong hands grab my waist and turn me around and I surrendered to the warm touch to meet blue eyes as I faced him. The simple touch relieving me from the fire I was stuck with for the week.

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