Chapter 7- When You're Gone

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What had I done? Since I left the roof, I went back to my room, and Cass was sleeping.

I thought of trying to sleep, but my chest hurt.

My heart ached, the pain was unbearable, and I thought nothing was worst than it because there's no way to fix it.

I sat on the corner, in the floor, far from the bed, and cried. Silent tears that I couldn't keep in, I had never in my life felt this way.

Then I felt a sudden impact and suddently every bone in my body hurt. I screamed in pain and that woke Cassie up.

She came rushing to me tried to calm me down, but I felt as if I had been ran over.

Every inch of my body hurt. I just kept screaming and I noticed when more people came in the room and left. It was all a blur.

The pain was too much. It was a strange numb feeling and it made me worry not for myself but for Kathryn, I don't know why, but in the moments of the agonizing pain all I could think of was her, and is she was okay.

Stefan's POV

I went back to my room and fell asleep, but only to wake up to screaming a few moments later. Screams of pain, asking, begging for help.

Both me and Rach, had woken up, but I told her to stay in the room and left towards the sound. It was coming from Luke's room and I didn't bother knocking.

I burst in to see him lying on the floor screaming, and Cassie trying to calm him down, but failing. Next I saw Lana and Mike come in and as soon as seeing his state Lana realized what I hadn't. I was confused until she whispered my sister's name.

Oh god, no.
This can't happen, I know the pain of rejecting a mate is a lot but these weren't the screams from the pain of a broken heart, they were of physical pain, real hurt.

I cursed at myself. I shouldn't have let her drive in her state, and at night.
I asked Mike for his car keys and he gave them to me without questioning, I told him to stay here and help Cassie, and Lana to go tell Rachel I was going to fix something, to stay with her.

I drove as fast as the car would let me, I broke almost all trafic laws in 5 minutes, but it wasn't very far when I saw the crash.

My car had been flipped upside down and clearly moved several feet backwards, there was a small truck, white, the front a little recked, stopped in the place where the accident had taken place.
The driver, a little bloodied, probably from the impact, was pacing around on the phone.

I heard an ambulance far off, and contacted all my pack doctors, and one of them, is on his way in an ambulance and I ran to what was left of my car, and my sister.

She looked dead, but after a few seconds of searching for it, I found a low pulse at her neck and sighed in relief.

I took her out of the car, because of the seatbelt, she had been for at least half an hour upside down.

Placing her light, small body on the ground, but keeping her head in my lap, I caressed her pale face, and held her hand.

As soon as the ambulance arrived, and they had her ready, I left the car keys at the car, hopped in the ambulance, and contacted Mike.

'Mike, I left your car and the keys, in the local of the accident, take everyone there with Luke's car, then take yours and let Rachel drive one of them to the nearest hospital, she knows which one. Don't let Cassie or Luke drive, they're too shocked.' I told him.

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