Epilogue- Faith

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So this chapter is very very special, I am so proud and so thankful for everything. Lately the number of reads has gone up so much, and the votes. Thank you!!!! This is the last chapter of this story!This was the first story I wrote on wattpad and I can't believe it's ending! So thank you! anyone who voted, commented, followed me, added this story to their reading list, or just simply read. Enjoy!

Kathryn's pov

After the fall incident where me and Luke had the honor of receiving Bianca into our lives, we had a long talk about how we were going to live from now on.

We both decided to stay at the pack house, at least for a few years, until Bia was a little older.

I took her in my arms and changed her into a cozy warm white little christmas dress.

She is really a special baby, something I've never seen before, her development is slower than a human child. She hasn't grown very much in the 2 and a half months she's been with us.

Luke came in our room as soon as I finished getting her ready.

"Kath, you're not ready yet? you're the last one up here, and Cassie has twins!" he pointed out and I stuck my tongue out at him. Rocking the baby as I stood up. I sat her on my lap and tried to make her keep her balance, which barely worked, since she is still very young and fragile.

"Well I was getting her ready first." I complained. "Right Bia? say wait daddy, we're going!" I joked and he smiled shaking his head. Bianca just stared at me with her big hazel eyes.

Luke came closer to us and took her in one arm, holding her back with the other one.

"No. She has to tell her mommy to hurry up!" he teased. I just stuck my tongue out.

"Watch her? I'll be down in ten, I just gotta get dressed." I motioned to my done hair, and make-up, yet I was still in a robe. He nodded and started towards the door. "Wait," I said looking at my bracelet, still on top of Arielle's name. I smiled at the idea that popped up into my mind. He turned around and looked at what I was looking at.

He seemed to understand and smiled slightly. He took the tiny version of my bracelet from my jewlery box after placing Bia on the bed. I picked her up, and sat down with her on my lap. He sat next to us, his eyes searching mine.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah." Was all I managed to say.

He took her little hand and closed the bracelet around her small wrist.

Bianca is not a replacement for Arielle and she will never be. My Bia is more than that. She represents a new life. She is my hope and my faith. My second chance. This chirstmas, will be different for us. Bianca wasn't born from me but she was meant to be mine.

When her big hazel eyes lock on mine, there is no question that she is my daughter. There is no question on my love for her.

Luke's lips found mine and a few moments later, he left with Bia.

I took the robe off staring at my nearly-naked reflection in the mirror. I've been putting on a few pounds the past couple of months, I guess I was too busy worrying about Bia than my weight.

As I was about to get into the pink dress, I felt nausea and went to the bathroom and nothing. Strange. I felt my stomach twist and yet no puke.

I must be hungry!

I got into the pink dress and matching white high heels. I checked myself in the mirror one last time.

Wow. I really am fat. I need a diet.

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