Chapter 30- Best Time of Our Lives (1/2)

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Kathryn's pov

I woke up feeling a hand caressing my back softly. I didn't have to look to know who it was.

My whole body felt sore and weak but I didn't care, Luke is with me.

For a moment I forgot the present, and all the worries, it was just us.

For a beautiful moment I allowed myself to be happy, to feel loved.

This is what the next morning after the day here was supposed to be like. Just me and him. Nothing separating us. We shouldn't ever have a reason to be apart. I don't this moment to end.

Last night was like the first time all over again, we both had changed so much. I discovered Luke again, and I couldn't help but remember the good days, it was by far my best night since I lost Arielle. As the memories of last night came floating to me, I felt myself in the clouds until a wave of stupid hit me. There I was, thinking it was special and all, until I remembered he had been doing the same thing to another woman that Christmas.

Worst yet, he probably did it again and again with someone else when I wasn't awake. I'm sure he did I mean he's a guy, a very attractive and young guy who has his needs.

Maybe Nikki was one of them, I mean just looking at her makes a guy drool.

Feeling vulnerable, I couldn't fight the tears that formed in my eyes from spilling. Not wanting him to see me get vulnerable again I turned away from him, using the light sheets to cover my body and hid my face in my pillow.

"You okay?" I heard his sleepy voice ask. Oh god that voice.

Come on be strong Kathryn.

"I'm fine." I said taking my face off the pillow and looking the other way. I can't believe how weak and desperate I was last night.

"You're lying." He said, I felt the bed shift as he moved. Is he leaving? good. Instead of leaving, or even getting up, he sat up, and removed the sheets a little. Feeling exposed, I pushed them back up to cover my bare back.

Wait, since when do I mind nudity? I'm a werewolf, people are naked around me all the time. This is really strange of me. I'm not even naked!

He pulled them back down. I growled as he turned me around and dried the tears that had now been drying on my cheeks in the pillow. I used my arms to cover my chest from him, sure I had his shirt on, but the first 3 buttons were opened, exposing me more than it should. I tried turning around again, but he held me in place. I still looked away from him. His hands caressed my cheeks. I closed my eyes to resist from really looking at him. His hand travelled on my face and the feeling was driving me insane.

"Kath?" I ignored the hint of worry in his voice. "What's wrong?" I kept my eyes tightly shut and refused to move my arms glad that the sheets were still covering my lower half that was only covered by my underwear.

"Nothing." I mumbled, my eyes still sealed closed.

"Then look at me." He pleaded and I pretended like I hadn't heard it. "Did I do something wrong?" I ignored the question. "Do you regret it?" I felt a smile creep on my face involuntarily. I had been dreaming of a night like that since I woke up from the coma.

"No, it was perfect, I told you I wouldn't regret it. It's nothing!" I insisted.

Truth is, I don't regret sleeping with him, it was amazing, but I know he probably has already slept with many people throughout the years and he's the only one I've ever been with.

"Then look at me." He urged but I refused.

The knock on the door saved me. I jumped up and put some clothes on in my werewolf speed, too fast for his eyes to catch, although moving hurt, I'm more sore than I expected. I saw him get up and grab some clothes before going into the bathroom.

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