Chapter 7: Couragesonn

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“Who are you young man?” continued Lord Thaddeus. The young man is still facing General Cornelius and he just ignored the question of Lord Thaddeus.

“Father?” asked General Cornelius.

“Don’t you remember your only son father?” the young man asked.

“Couragesonn?” nervously asked General Cornelius “Is that really you?”

“I am father!” answered and smiled the young man “Couragesonn! My son!” then the general embraced his son hard.

“I never thought that you’ll be here!”

“I miss you so much father!”

“I do miss you as well!” the general replied, “Oh um uh, sorry for that my lords.”

“Nothing to be sorry of if you haven’t seen your son for so long!” said Lord Brommin.

“Thank you Lord Brommin but in the meantime, can I have a little time with my son? It’s been a decade since I had a conversation with him. Please take care of the training for a while” the general asked and ordered.

“No worries General Cornelius!” Lord Thaddeus answered. “We’ll handle it” added Lord Brommin. And so, the father and son took a seat at the side and talked.

Then the two lords faced the people again. “We apologize for that people!” Lord Thaddeus began. “Now, are you all ready?!” yelled Lord Brommin. “Yes!” answered the people back.

“Now I want you to be separated into two teams! The first team will be the team of our old soldiers and warriors which I will lead. Then the second team will be lead by Lord Thaddeus and it will consist of all the new comers!” Lord Brommin ordered. And so, the crowd was separated into two groups. Lord Brommin gathered his team, The Old while Lord Thaddeus gathered his as well, The New.  

At the side seats, General Cornelius and his only son Couragesonn had their conversation after a decade ago long before the general left his family in the Southern Kingdom of Vilespiann.

“Why son? Why are you here on The Kingdom of Centaurion?” the general began to ask.

“Why father? Don’t you want me to be here?” countered Couragesonn.

“Of course I want you to be here with me but never thought you’ll be here. So why are you really here my son? Did King Vilespiann order you to be here? Did he banish you? Are you in a mission that’s why you are here?” continued General Cornelius.

“None of what you have said father. I’m here because I want to be with you” answered Couragesonn.

“But what about your mother?” asked General Cornelius.

“Mother is.....”

“Is what my son?”

“I don’t know father?”

“What do you mean you don’t know son?”

“Okay, here’s what I remember what have happened on that time” replied Couragesonn then he started to narrate what happened on that day about his mother while General Cornelius listened carefully to his son.

“It was dawn on that day, when we heard a strong thud from the outside then mother, felt nervous as we heard the strong thud and she told me to be prepared. I myself wondered why she told me that for I only think that that strong thud is nothing, but that was the very first thud that I’ve ever heard all my life” Couragesonn began narrating and he continued.

“Then I’ve heard that many people from the outside are shouting like they are really afraid of something, so I wiped out at the window and checked what’s really happening then. As I looked over the window, I saw people running away from their homes and I saw flames shooting like they want to conquer the whole place. So I’ve armed myself”

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