Chapter 30: Northern King

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After their little conversation, the twins went to their room and rested there while King Centaurion, Couragesonn, Georgia, Leohnn and Zhroy helped the five Guardians and the lords to take the wounded and injured soldiers to the sanatorium and clean the grounds as well.

Five days has passed since the attack of Brycerion in both the Southern and Western Kingdoms. The mark of his attack is still visible. Yes, both kingdoms have cleaned their grounds but there are still parts of the castle that are still destroyed specially the gates of the Western Kingdom. In the Southern Kingdom, King Vilespiann and the other lords are finally stable and regained their strengths after days of resting. The lost souls and spirits are also reunited with their bodies (as I’ve said earlier in the 14th chapter) as well as with their families. Lord Gregory and Lord Anthony also returned in the Council of the Western Kingdom but for now, there are only six lords in the Western Kingdom (I think you already know why). Sir Arthur of the Southern Kingdom stays at the Western Kingdom for his family is there and now, he is also a member of the Western Council. Lord Carac and Lord Brom as well as General Thomason also returned in the Council of the Southern Kingdom. Lord Quinn journeyed back to the Southern Kingdom now and he is being accompanied by two soldiers. King Centaurion thanks Lord Quinn as well for the help he gave and not to mention that Lord Gregory and his family also thanked Lord Quinn (you know why if you have read chapters 9 and 10). For now, both Kingdoms have their meeting to talk about how to rebuild their kingdoms and secure it better.

As for the Guardians, their training continues. Agatha is being trained by Achren (the leader of the archers) to enhance her archery skills; Walronn (the centaur) trained Joshua and Briann to enhance their skills using big and heavy weapons are how to use them lightly and well; Georgia trained Paulinne for both of them have the same strategy in fighting (but Georgia is better of course, Paulinne is a new one so she needs to be trained more) then; Michaell is being trained by Couragesonn to enhance his sword fighting skills in using one or even two swords at the same time. The twins continue their training as well and now their father trains them also to gain more experience and enhance their fighting skills in both physical and spiritual.

After five days Lord Quinn finally returned and reached the Southern Kingdom. King Vilespiann and the others greeted him of course for he had returned successfully while the two soldiers that accompanied him were ordered to stay in the Southern Kingdom for one week to rest there. Three days had passed, the Guardians and the twins continue their training in the Western Kingdom and they’ve learned more became better warriors but for now, we will go back to the Southern Kingdom (again).

“Open the gates!” called one of the guards.

“What is that?” wondered King Vilespiann he is in the Dining Hall with all of the lords except, General Thomason is outside.

“Sire!” called General Thomason as he enters the Dining Hall quickly.

“What was the ‘Open the gates’ mean, general?” asked the king.

“Sire, he is here” answered the general.

“He? He who?” added the king.

“King Clive is here sire” furthered General Thomason.

King Vilespiann was surprised for he never expected the Northern King to visit his kingdom. And as I should point out, South and North are really far from each other for they are edge to edge, so it will take more than a week (and not to mention that that is the fastest time they can go) to get in either kingdoms.

“Please excuse us” began the king and so, King Vilespiann quickly stands up from his seat then leaves the Dining Hall with General Thomason.

Outside the Dining Hall, General Thomason leads King Vilespiann to King Clive who is waiting at the castle grounds. And so, they have reached and approached King Clive at the castle grounds.

The Kingdom of CentaurionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora