Chapter 16: The Council

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As they are all at the Council (the king, the four lords, the general, the twins, Sir Arthur and the seven soldiers) the king began “You are all here for we must talk about something. Something that is very important and we must fight” the king began “You must all know The Old Tale and as I’ve said before, I believe that this Old Tale is already happening!”

“Father, what are you talking about? What do you mean that this Old Tale is now happening?” began Charv.

“Then it’s true then. The Old Tale is true after all” added General Cornelius.

“It is true my son, everyone. The Old Tale is now currently happening” answered the king.

“If it’s true sire, any evidence?” interrupted Couragesonn.

“The evidence is the present” answered the king. “The present?” wondered Chev.

“My sons, the princes who are twins and the death of Lord Gregory” answered the king.

“They are at The Old Tale.” “So we all know what will happen in the next days?” asked Georgia.

“The Old Tale tells everything but we don’t know when it will happen” answered the king.

 “If, The Old Tale tells everything, then we already know what will happen in the next days” added Lord Barnes.

“The Old Tale does say everything that will happen but never tells when but what” continued the king.

“So we should prevent it then from happening!” exclaimed Couragesonn.

“Courage and bravery is in your heart Couragesonn, but we cannot just prevent that from happening easily” answered the king.

 “What do you propose we do your majesty?” asked Georgia.

Then Chev tapped Charv and smiled at him (Charv already know what his brother mean).

“Sire!” called Chev and he rose up from his seat “Everyone must know something. It is something that I and brother are keeping.”

Everyone was shocked as Chev stood up, then the king asked “What is it my son? Please take your seat again.”

“My dream father!” continued Charv then Chev went back to his seat.

“Your dream?” exclaimed Lord Digory.

“What is it about my son?” added the king. “It’s about Lord Bryce’s warning, father” added Chev.

“Please continue my son” added the king.

“I think I shall start when Lord Bryce warned me at the garden” continued Charv.

“At the garden? You and Lord Bryce?” exclaimed Lord Thaddeus.

“Yes sire, the afternoon before the death of Lord Gregory” added Charv.

“What happened then?” added the king.

“He talked to me that afternoon I mean, yesterday at the garden and he warned me.”

“What did he warned you Charv?” asked the general then all of them listens to the story I mean to what Charv will tell them.

Charv narrated his dream and the confrontation of Lord Bryce until,

“What does Lord Bryce meant by ‘This is exactly the same as I had before!’?” began the king. “No idea father” answered Charv.

“Sire!” interrupted Lord Digory.

“Yes Lord Digory?” asked the king.

“Charv just told us that in his dream Lord Bryce told him ‘This is exactly the same as I had before!’ as Charv used to attack him with his sword” began Lord Digory.

“Yeah! So?” interrupted Lord Brommin.

“So this can be a clue” added Lord Digory.

“A clue for what?” retorted Lord Thaddeus.

“Almost a week ago when Lord Gregory had his death” continued Lord Digory “Then Charv had a dream wherein Lord Bryce told him ‘This is exactly the same as I had before!’ that night at our dinner when Lord Gregory was killed, both he and Lord Digory are out. They both are not at that dinner before the incident.”

“But if you are saying that Lord Bryce, knows what happened that night, what is the connection between what he said to Charvrius as he drew his sword and the death of Lord Gregory?” asked General Cornelius.

“Maybe Lord Gregory did draw his sword as well” added Lord Barnes.

“Are you saying that Lord Bryce killed Lord Gregory?” asked Lord Brommin.

“I am not saying that he killed him, although I think that he knows something that we should know” answered Lord Digory “Also that night, I have seen Lord Gregory at the garden with Brycerion.”

“Brycerion?!” everyone murmured.

“I’ve seen them talking until Lord Gregory drew his sword and tried to attack Brycerion” continued Lord Digroy “Then suddenly, Brycerion made a portal that transported them into another place that I myself don’t know until we have found Lord Gregory dead at the garden after dinner.”

“So that means that Lord Bryce and Brycerion are the same?” asked Lord Brommin.

“I am not sure sire” answered Lord Digory.

“Coincidence?” added General Cornelius.

“Maybe or maybe they are really the same person” answered Lord Barnes.

“If Lord Bryce really did killed Lord Gregory, then what is his purpose? Why did he kill Lord Gregory?” added Lord Thaddeus “And Lord Bryce and Brycerion are the same person, why we never had noticed it before?”

“No idea for that my lord” answered Lord Digory.

“Lord Bryce is on the Southern Kingdom now I guess” added General Cornelius.

“He might attack the Southern Kingdom!” exclaimed Lord Brommin.

“That is the thing that he will never do” answered Lord Barnes.

“Why not my lord?” added Lord Brommin.

“He will never raid the Southern Kingdom without his men and if he did attacks it, King Vilespiann will have the higher chance to win” answered Lord Digory.

“Lord Digory is right” added General Cornelius “But what should we do to prove that Lord Bryce and Brycerion are really the same?”

“Continue your investigation Lord Digrory” interrupted the king “If Lord Bryce and Brycerion are really the same, then my Kingdom is at greater threat!”

“I will sire and I will finish my investigation as soon as possible!” answered Lord Digory.

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