Chapter 4: The Time Has Come

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At the room of the twins, the princes are both wondering what have happened outside.

“Thud! Thud! Thud!”

“Someone’s knocking” Charv continued

“Who’s there?!” The door opens.

And the twins were shocked for it was the king, their father who entered.

“Father! What happened? Why is the guard shouting earlier?” asked Charv as the king entered their room.

“Nothing to know my son” he answered.

“But father, we need to....”

“Silence Chevrius! I’m sorry for that Chev my son but not all things must be known by the both of you” declared the king.

“Then why are you here father?” asked Charv.

“Charv, be good. Father is here for a good reason” Chev interrupted.

“My sons, I am here just to warn you “Be cautious at all times for we are now living at Dark Times” the king warned.

“Living at Dark Times father? Something is really happening, we must know!” Chev said.

“Not yet my son, in time you’ll know. I must leave now, just remember to be cautious at all times my sons” said the king.

“But where are you going father?” asked Charv. King Centaurion only smiled as an answer then he left the room and shut the door.

“Not again brother” interrupted Chev.

“What is it Chev?”

“Don’t you hear father?” Chev continued “The Old Tale; ‘Only one can be crowned and not all twins are forever be bound. Take my warnings young prince and you will know that I’m telling the truth’ and ‘Be cautious at all times for we are now living at Dark Times.’ Three warnings are at the kingdom brother. Warnings for father, for you and for the whole Kingdom of Centaurion” said Chev.

“Are you saying that Lord Bryce told me the truth and my dream is also true?” asked Charv.

“I’m not saying that brother. I only mean that it can be true but with no assurance. Also, three warnings are here and all are not yet happening. I also want to add the knowledge of General Cornelius, our tutor, the Lord Bryce and our father” added Chev.

“Then they must have the knowledge of the truth brother” said Charv.

“Can but still impossible” replied Chev.

“Why is that? They have knowledge of the three warnings” answered Charv.

“Yes they have, but not all of them. Lord Bryce gave you the warning ‘Only one can be crowned and not all twins are forever be bound. Take my warnings young prince and you will know that I’m telling the truth’, General Cornelius gave us warning to be prepared, while the tutor told us the story of The Old Tale and for father he gave us the warning ‘Be cautious at all times for we are now living at Dark Times.’ With four of them, they may give the right answer about these.”

“But none has the knowledge of the future brother.”

“I know.”

“The thing that we only have to do is to obey father’s command and the third warning ‘Be cautious at all times for we are now living at Dark Times.’”

“I agree brother I just hope that we can do something to save our Kingdom.”

“I hope so brother.”

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