Chapter 40: Arrow of a Sagiternus

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All cried and wept as their loved ones died on the battle. Notable deaths on the battle include Galvin, Sir Arthur and the High King Centaurion (hold on to that thought). A day has passed since the battle and all of the dead bodies are now buried at the Tomb of the Graves. Georgia is with her mother in the grave of Sir Arthur; Lord Gregory her wife and their daughter at the grave of Galvin and; Queen Clessandra and the twins are at the special room (actually, the room is the High King’s room and it was made in case of such emergency) in the sanatorium where the high king is.

After a week, King Vilespiann and his lords as well as King Clive and Queen Joy left the Western Kingdom for they have to go back to their own kingdoms. Before they left, they first had a little meeting at the council that consisted of King Vilespiann, King Clive, Queen Joy, Queen Clessandra and General Cornelius. They had a meeting about the future of the Western Kingdom and plans for it after King Centaurion was being hit by the arrow.

A day has passed after the Southern and Northern kings left the Western Kingdom, the twins and the queen (their mother) are still at the sanatorium room where the High King is resting.

“He said father is not dead” began Charv.

“What what does he meant by a sagiternus?” asked Chev

“We know that General Cornelius already told us of it” continued Charv “But we are wondering if you can tell us a bit more of it.”

“Sons” began Queen Clessandra “A sagiternus is a creature, they can be good and bad. They are mainly archers, half human and half eagle. They have the body and face of a human, wings, tail, feathers and claws of a bird. They are perfect at using their bow and arrows and they have a perfect sight for their targets. These creatures are armed with bow and arrows that whoever will be hit by it, they will be in an eternal sleep.”

Now, why did the twins ask their mother about their father being alive and not dead? Let’s go back at the last scene of the chapter before this.

“There will come a time, that you will meet your help. A time that you will never know and expect. This help will come in the right time. Be patient my sons, never lose your faith and always remember to be strong at all times” then King Centaurion closed his eyes. As the high king closed his eyes, the twins began to shake him and begging him to wake up again while they are both crying and weeping. Queen Clessandra could not also take what had happened to her husband and she’s just crying at the side of her sons but while they are all crying and weeping for the death of the high king, General Cornelius whispered and interrupted “He is not dead.”

The twins stopped shaking their father then Chev looked at the general and asked “What are you talking about General Cornelius?”

“A sagiternus!” the general answered.

“A what?” asked Charv “Our father is dead now and you are going to tell us he’s not dead and what is this sagiternus that you’re talking about?”

“Hand me the arrow that hit your father” ordered the general then Chev took the arrow behind their father’s body and gave it to General Cornelius. As the general got the arrow from Chev, he looked the arrows tip and examined it for a little and sees there’s a green fluid on it.

“See that green fluid thing on the tip?” asked the general then he gave the arrow back to Chev.

Chev and Charv both looked at the tip of the arrow then both answered “Yes!”

“So what’s the point if the arrow has a green fluid on it?” asked Charv.

“The green fluid on the tip made your father what he is now” answered the general.

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