Chapter 6: At the Training Berth

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The four of them reached the door of the Training Berth then Lord Barnes began “Well, here we are” “Oh! Finally!” added Charv then smiled at Chev.

Lord Barnes took something from his pocket which appears to be a silvery key. So he inserted the key on the keyhole and twisted it which opened the door. Then he touched the handle and pushed the door slowly. The door shrieked and there are no lights inside. Before they entered the berth, Lord Barnes took the two torches at the entrance and gave the one to Charv.

“Twins, tutor, the king ordered me that this must be a secret. Only the four of us must know of this” Lord Barnes began.

“As it should be!” the three answered.

“Say, this place looks very old Lord Barnes. Haven’t this place ever been used before?” asked Charv.

“It is a very old my prince but very sacred” answered Lord Barnes.

“Sacred, this place is sacred?” added Chev.

“It is my prince. As you must know that your father, King Centaurion was the very last person who used this room. This became his practice room wherein he was trained very well and became a great warrior as the time went by” furthered Lord Barnes “Not to mention that this room was used by all of the kings who ruled Centaurion all over the years. And all of them were trained perfectly and each were known for their best use of weapons such as swords, shields, bow and arrows, knives, axes, spears, daggers, hammers and many more!”

“Also, this place also led the fellow kings to their winning wars throughout the century!” the tutor added.

“You’ve said that this room was used by many kings over the ages. I’m just wondering if there are also twin kings who used this room before” asked Charv.

“Chev and Charv, you are the only twin princes who are born throughout the ages in The Kingdom of Centaurion” answered Lord Barnes.

“Not to mention that from all over the kingdom, you are the twins who are sons of a king” added their tutor.

“Throughout the ages?” asked Chev.

“Throughout the ages” the tutor replied.

“So then The Old Tale is telling our future and destiny?” Chev continued.

“Please Chev, we are here for you to be trained and not to talk about anything that is off our matters” Lord Barnes retorted.

“I’m sorry Lord Barnes” Chev apologized.

“None to be apologized about” Lord Barnes answered.

As they are all inside the Training Berth, Chev began “Big sealed room but not that big. Also, it’s a very peaceful place and a great room for a practice.”

“But if we are to be trained here, where are our weapons?” Charv interrupted.

“This is just the entrance my twins” Lord Barnes started. “Only the entrance? You mean?” Charv asked. “Yes Charv” Lord Barnes answered as he walked a little through and lighted up the place where he stopped.

“It’s just a wall Lord Barnes” Charv said. “Yes it’s just a simple wall my prince” the tutor added.

Lord Barnes smiled “Tutor, can you please handle this torch for a little while?”

“Of course sire” the tutor responded. Lord Barnes handed the torch to the tutor.

“Thank you tutor” said Lord Barnes

“What you’re about to see is a top secret which you mustn’t tell to any else.”

“Alri.....” Charv is about to answer but Chev interrupted and answered “Yes Lord Barnes” then he smiled at Charv.

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