Chapter 14: Secret Plans

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At the room of King Vilespiann, the king and Lord Quinn are both there.

“Why sire? Why you brought me here with you?” began Lord Quinn.

“You are here for a secret mission” answered the king. “I am going to send you to the Western Kingdom alone.”

“Alone?! Why sire?” added Lord Quinn.

“I going to give you my message to my friend King Centaurion” replied the king.

“That will take a week, maximum!” roared Lord Quinn.

“It will, but I have a second and a backup plan” the king continued.

“What is it sire?” asked Lord Quinn.

“I will send my mighty eagle to give my message to King Centaurion. I will give him the scroll where my message lies” answered the king “While you, you will not be brining any scrolls. You will just tell the king that I have agreed for help.”

“Why is this a secret sire? Why do you have a backup plan?” added Lord Quinn.

“Because I believe that the enemy is inside of our castle” answered the king.

“Inside?!” replied Lord Quinn “How?”

“I can feel that he is here inside. He is disguising himself. The king is right, The Old Tale is now happening” answered the king.

“If he’s here inside, then we must imprison him” added Lord Quinn.

“No. We will not do that for he can free himself and cause great destruction here at my Kingdom” continued the king.

“But sire, who is he? Who is the one that is disguising?” added Lord Quinn.

“I am not sure yet but I believe that I am right” added the king.

“Then sire, we must move fast! When will I give the message to the king of the West?” asked Lord Quinn.

“If it’s okay to you, you may now go there but be careful, no one must see you!” ordered the king.

“I will be very careful sire. I will give your message to King Centaurion as soon as I can!” answered Lord Quinn.

“Very well Lord Quinn” the king answered then he handed something to Lord Quinn “Here, take this Lord Quinn.”

“What is this sire?” asked Lord Quinn.

“It contains food, water and some supplies you will need in your journey. It’s light and small but everything you need is there” answered the king “Also, please use my horse for she is the fastest horse we have!”

“Thank you sire, I will now set forth to begin my journey!” continued Lord Quinn “But I’ll just use my horse for I am used to use him and we have had many journeys, my first and last horse.”

“It’s your final decision, Lord Quinn. If you think that’s the best for you and that’s the fastest way you can reach the West, then set forth with him” answered the king.

“Thank you my king, I and will!” answered Lord Quinn.

“Good luck Lord Quinn and be safe to your journey” answered the king then Lord Quinn left the room and went to the Cavalry to begin his journey to the Western Kingdom while the king began to write his message to King Centaurion and as he finished his message, he gave the scroll to his mighty eagle then as the eagle receives it, he flies fast and journeyed to the West.

After the lords of the South “Please excuse me, I have to go to somewhere where I can have a little fresh air” interrupted Lord Bryce then he left the Council.

“There’s air inside here at the Council” began Lord Ulric.

“There is, Lord Ulric but please excuse my fellow lord for he really is unpredictable!” answered Lord Anthony.

“How’s life at the West, Lord Anthony?” asked Lord Walter.

And so, the six lords were left inside the Council continued their chat.

“They mustn’t know” he whispered to himself.

“Mustn’t know what?” asked the other man.

“What are you doing here Lord Bryce?!” answered the man.

“You are not the real general!” replied Lord Bryce.

“If you want to talk more about that, you must get in” ordered the man.

And so, the other man gets in to the room where they continued their chat.

“You are not alone on that body right?” began Lord Bryce. “You know too much of me” replied the other man who appears to be General Thomason.

“I know everything of you Thomason” continued Lord Bryce “I know your secret, a secret that no one must know.” “Then how do you know who I am” answered General Thomason “I mean, do you really know what I am?”

 “You are General Thomason but now, you are not alone on that body” answered Lord Bryce “Another spirit is inside of you.” “How did you know that?!” roared the general. “I know everything about your kind” answered Lord Bryce “Tell me general, how? How did you enter his body?” “Like every kind does!” answered General Thomason. “Tell me the whole story about it!” added Lord Bryce.

“Well then, here’s what happened” began General Thomason “During General Thomason’s journey from the North going back here, he was attacked by ten dark soldiers.” “Hmmm.  My soldiers!” interrupted Lord Bryce. “Your soldiers?” retorted General Thomason. “Oh nothing general, please continue.” “He attacked the soldiers but he was outnumbered. One of the soldiers countered him attack and wounded him. He dropped his sword for one of them disarmed him then they beat him up but not too much. They just wanted him to faint. Then as he woke up, he saw a spirit from the fire in front of him. That spirit was me. Then I turned into a human form and attacked him. The general is very weak that is why I have entered his body too easy.”

“Very lucky you are to enter a strong body” answered Lord Bryce “Tell me, is his spirit fighting?” “His spirit is weak but it’s fighting. But never worry, his spirit is sealed and secured in the place that you know” added General Thomason (the spirit inside his body is the one talking and not the spirit of General Thomason). “Are you sure it’s secured?” asked Lord Bryce. “Very much secured. I’ve only took his memory but he still has his memory. I’ve copied his memory, that’s all” answered General Thomason.

“Stop!” a voice roared suddenly inside the room of General Thomason.

“That’s the general’s voice right?” asked Lord Bryce.

“That is his voice” replied General Thomason.

“It seems that he is fighting hard” continued Lord Bryce “That’s so entertaining and fun! It’s been a long time since I’ve heard a voice fighting for his body!”

“Indeed” answered General Thomason “Now tell me how you know all of these.”

“I am your source, I am your leader” replied Lord Bryce.

“You are not saying that.....” wondered General Thomason.

“I am Thomason, I am what you think of” added Lord Bryce.

Then both smiled. “It’s about time Bryce. Tell me, what are the plans?” began General Thomason.

 “Now that I know the real you, you will have a big part at the war!” replied Lord Bryce.

And so, they continued their conversation and talked about their plans.

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