Chapter 34: Lightiour and Charvrius

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Two weeks has passed since that day and many things happened (King Clive and King Vilespiann returned to their kingdoms then went back to the Western Kingdom with others for the Grand Coronation).

Going back to the present, the Council of the Western Kingdom are all prepared for the Grand Coronation of the twins and some special others. The Guardians were also ordered to prepare themselves for the coming coronation even though they have no idea why. The twins are both in their room and they are both sleeping while they are waiting for the right time to wear their royal clothes (it is still 7 in the morning and the coronation will begin in 10).

Again, Prince Charv is having a dream, a dream that he had before. Remember the dream he had about Lord Bryce warning him “Only one can be crowned and not all twins are forever be bound. Take my warnings young prince and you will know that I’m telling the truth” and the terror after the coronation? Those dreams are coming to his head again and it is like that they are warning him badly. The scene went back to where he sees the Western Kingdom being attacked after his coronation not to mention that Brycerion is also there, scaring him and telling him his warning over and over again. Then after that, he wakes up from another dimension which happens to be in the Garden where He (in a human light form with no face, just a shining human form) is there approaching him while he is seating in one of the benches of the Garden.

“Lightiour?” began Charv.

“It is I my prince.”

“What are you doing here?” asked Charv.

“You seem to be very nervous my prince?” countered Him.

“Yes, I am Sire for it will be our coronation soon” answered Charv.

“Are you afraid that something might happen?”

“I am Sire, for the dream I had months ago just popped up to me again lately” answered Charv.

“Never fear for I am here with you.”

“Thank you Sire” answered Charv then he continues “Sire.”

“Yes my prince?”

“I just want to thank you deep in my heart for helping us to save the lost souls and spirits as well as for helping us to protect our kingdom in the past months” Charv answered.

“Just always remember ‘Never lose your faith in me and I shall be watching you all the time’. You just need to have a strong faith in me.”

“Thank you Sire but.... But this dream, do you think it will really happen?” Charv asked.

“No one can ever know what will happen my prince.”

“But you are the Alpha and the Omega, you know all things that will happen as well as how and when they will occur” added Charv.

“Only my Father knows my prince. He is the only one who knows what, how and when it will happen.”

“I respect that Sire but what should I do? For this dream keeps on warning me” asked Charv.

“You should be cautious at all times my prince. There are only two possible things that will happen: first, your coronation will be in a way on what you father plans; second, it will be in a way on what you have dreamed but I assure you, your coronation with you brother will be successful but cannot assure to you that it will be peaceful.”

“I will remember that Sire” answered Charv.

“Do not just remember it, imply it my prince, imply it. What’s the use of remembering it if you are not to imply it? Remember and imply it my prince, have faith and never lose hope. I will be at your side all the time.”

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