Chapter 9: Georgia

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Couragesonn heard the whisper behind him so he turned “Me?” then suddenly, he was surprised to see the woman who said that he should prepare himself “Georgia? But I thought you are sick” Couragesonn began and the young lady who is Georgia answered him back “It’s me Couragesonn! I knew you will ask why I am here. Well, of course you know that I was sick for two consecutive weeks! But after I’ve heard that there will be a training here at the Centaury, I was miraculously healed!”

“Healed?” Couragesonn interrupted.

“Yes healed! I don’t know why but I guess it’s in my nature! You know that I love sword fighting, being in battles and also having an adventure!”

“Oh yes, you are right there, it’s really in your blood!” Couragesonn commended.

“Parents were also amazed and shocked as my sickness wore off just by hearing the training at the Centaury.”

“Wait a minute, you said that you are really sick”

“I am. I mean, I was!” Georgia answered.

“So how in the world you heard that there will be a training here at the Centaury today?” Couragesonn asked.

“Father! You must know that father was a soldier before.”

“Oh yes, of course I know that! How in the world I will not know?! We’ve been friends since you came at the South!” Couragesonn answered then Georgia laughed demurely and Couragesonn smiled but then he continued “So how did you know that there is a training here at the Centaury?”

Georgia began her explanation why “Earlier this morning, I’ve heard father saying that there will be a training on the Centaury here on the West then I became healthy again as I’ve heard it. So I rushed at our dining and asked father ‘A training? At the Centaury? This afternoon?’

Then suddenly, my mother saw me and began ‘Georgia?’ subsequently, father answered me back ‘Woah my daughter, easy!’ then he paused for like five seconds and he continued ‘Wait a minute. Weren’t you supposed to be on your room resting?’ ‘Your father is right Georgia, you must be resting in your room now’ mother added but I faced father ‘Don’t you see father? I am healthy and strong again!’ I answered and father replied ‘Well I can see that’ and suddenly, he paused but I continued, ‘Aren’t you going to tell me about the training later, father?’

Mother suddenly interrupted ‘You are not going anywhere Georgia! You might be healthy now, but you can have an aftermath that can be worse!’ ‘Please mother, couldn’t I go to the training? I always wanted to have an adventurous life!’ I answered but mother declared ‘Sorry Georgia, but my decision is final. No, you will not go to the training at the Centaury today. You will go back to your room and rest!’

I felt sad to hear mother’s decision, but then father countered ‘Anytime after lunch, the training will begin’ my mother tried to stop father but he continued and smiled ‘Come with me my daughter’ I cheered as I heard the words that came out from father.

‘But.....’ mother interrupted the father continued ‘It is now or never. It’s on Georgia’s blood. If she wants to be a true warrior, then she will have it. I believe it’s her destiny.’

‘Fine!’ mother forcedly answered but she approached me and continued ‘I don’t agree to your father and to what you want. But, I don’t want to be a boundary to the things that you dream of.’ Both I and mother smiled and she continued ‘Good luck my daughter and be brave at all times. Prove to your mother that the decision of your father is better!’ ‘I will mother!’ I answered. Then father interrupted ‘Prepare yourself my daughter, we will leave home after we take our lunch’ and I answered ‘Thank you father’ then I smiled.

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