Chapter 44: No Response

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“We’ll be going now” began Couragesonn.

“Where are you going sire now?” asked Chev to their tutor.

“I will be staying here my king and in time, I must be going back to my own and real life” answered Emengliour.

“Thank you again tutor or should I say Archangelum Emengliour for helping us get our questions answered” said Georgia.

“The pleasure is always mine” answered Emengliour “Remember to have patience, all of you. It is a virtue.”

“We will sire” answered Chev “And we shall be seeing you again soon.”

All bid a little farewell to the tutor I mean to the archangelum.

Two weeks has passed since that day and the twin kings are improving as kings of the Western Kingdom but in those two weeks, there is still no response from the Eastern King. After a day, the eagle that they have sent to the Eastern Kingdom returned but the message that Lord Anthony gave to the bird is still on its right leg. Lord Gregory and Lord Anthony were the ones who have seen the eagle returned. Lord Gregory opened the little scroll but Lord Anthony stated that the scroll is the very same scroll that he had put in to the eagle’s leg.

“No response” declared Lord Gregory as the six lords and the general are at the Council Room.

General Cornelius suggested that they should wait a little longer but the six lords disagreed. Lord Brommin then suggested that the Guardians must go to the Eastern Kingdom without the signal of the Eastern King. General Cornelius did not agree and just answered Lord Brommin that it will be dangerous to the Guardians to go to the Eastern Kingdom without the signal of the king there. The six lords insisted that Lord Brommin is right and said that the Guardians must do their mission with or without the response of the Eastern King. So the General Cornelius ordered Lord Digory to call the Guardians and join them in the discussion while Lord Barnes called the Queen Clessandra and the kings.

“What’s the news?” began Couragesonn as he and the Guardians entered the Council Room. General Cornelius ordered them to take their seats but the others did not sit. After five minutes, Lord Barnes returned to the Council Room with the queen and the twins. The queen and the twin kings took their seats and so the discussion finally began.

“No response” began General Cornelius then he placed the scroll to the table.

“What?!” exclaimed the queen “It’s been two weeks since then but we had no response?”

“Unfortunately, yes” answered Lord Gregory “I and Lord Anthony were at the Garden when the eagle that Lord Anthony have sent returned. We have checked the scroll tied up on the eagle’s leg but Lord Anthony said that the scroll is the very same that he had written also two weeks ago.”

“Then there must be something wrong behind this” began Chev. All eyes fixed on him and listened while the young king continued “Two weeks has passed since we had sent the message to the Eastern King. Eagle’s can travel 2 times faster than horses. So let us assume that the eagle came to the Eastern Kingdom but there are no responses. The only contributing fact and reason that I can think of now are two: The Eastern King did not answer it or something is happening to the Eastern Kingdom that we did not know.”

“The king is right and I think we should contact King Clive and King Vilespiann as well” Couragesonn suggested.

“King Clive and King Vilespiann were the ones who had suggested that we should ask help from the Eastern King and I believe they both have no idea what is going on as well” answered Lord Digory.

“Well then we must do something” Lord Barnes interrupted.

“What do you propose your majesty?” asked Agatha.

“Send the Guardians to the Eastern Kingdom immediately” answered Lord Barnes.

“What?!” exclaimed the Guardians then all exclaimed at once and insisted that Lord Barnes’ idea is nonsense.

The queen stood up then “Silence!” declared and exclaimed Queen Clessandra then all stopped their talking and made themselves quiet while the queen continued “This is the nonsense that you are all talking about! Blaming each other and shouting and yelling cannot answer our question why there’s no response from the Eastern King. Do you think that shouting and yelling at each other can help our problem?”

All frowned as the queen said those words but she continued “Let us take Lord Barnes’ idea as one of our choices. Cast your suggestions then we make a vote. We must do something now or our problems will be even worse!” After the queen talked, she seated again while the others calmed themselves down and began to think of a suggestion of what to do next.

Georgia was the one who began to give a suggestion which is really kinda useful in their situation “I still have 4 remaining portal beans here in my pocket which we can use to transport us to the Eastern Kingdom anytime we want and need.”

“A great idea princess” began General Cornelius “But the Guardians are 7 and you only have 4 portal beans.”

“That will not be a problem” Lord Digory interrupted “We only need one person to go there now and check the status there in the Eastern Kingdom then come back here right after it.”

“Lord Digory is right. Only one must go there and check why the Eastern King did not responded to our message to him” added King Charv “But who could it be?”

“Let’s take a vote then” suggested Lord Barnes.

All thought of who they will vote and so after five minutes of thinking, they began to start voting:

“Charvrius!” began Lord Thaddeus.

“Chevrius!” said Lord Digory and Lord Barnes.

“I say Couragesonn!” suggested Lord Brommin and Lord Anthony.

“Charvrius!” said Lord Gregory and General Cornelius suggested.

Then the Guardians started to vote as well:

 “Couragesonn for us” began Michaell and Joshua.

“Chevrius” suggested Briann and Agatha.

“Charvrius” exclaimed Paulinne and Georgia.

“You did not pick me?” whispered Couragesonn to Georgia.

“For I do not want you to be hurt” answered Georgia in a whisper.

“I vote for Chevrius” exclaimed Couragesonn.

“Couragesonn!” voted Charv.

“And I will vote my brother Charvrius!” Chev voted.

“Your majesty?” began General Cornelius “Your vote?”

“I will not vote for I will respect your votes and decisions” answered the queen “Let’s count the total votes.”

“Five votes were given to Prince Couragesonn” began Lord Barnes.

“Five votes were also given to King Chevrius” added Lord Digory.

“Six votes!” began Lord Thaddeus “Was given to King Charvrius!”

Charv got a little surprised for they have voted him to go to the Eastern Kingdom.

“Well settled” began Queen Clessandra and sighed “My son, King Charvrius will go to the Eastern Kingdom.”

“When will I go there mother queen?” asked Charv.

“Before the sun sets, you will go in the Eastern Kingdom and you must return here before the moon goes up” answered the queen.

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