Chapter 8: The Training Begins

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“Are you happy to be here father?”

“Of course I am happy here for the king and I am very close with each other.”

“Glad to know father.”

“Well then, it is time my son. We must continue your training now and we must join the others on their training.”

Back at the training between the Old and the New soldiers, the first wave was in favour of the Old soldiers. The training was a challenge and a battle. The two lords first took a meditation class for the soldiers. After all the soldiers were calmed, the real training begins.

The training took place on the near woods of the castle. The challenge is to take the sword first at the place where Lord Thaddeus is. Lord Brommin signalled the soldiers to begin. Both teams must find their way to take the sword of Lord Thaddeus where he also guards it.

The challenge was so fast although there was a little sword fighting on both sides but one of the old soldiers already knew where Lord Thaddeus is hiding as a result the first round was taken by The Old. Back at the Centaury, all of them rested for a little while and both parties chatted while they are resting.

General Cornelius and his son Couragesonn approached the two lords for they are both finished on their conversation. “Ah! You are finished general?” asked Lord Brommin. “Yes my lord. Anyways, what happened to the first wave?” asked the general. “A result which we have both predicted, The Old soldiers won” Lord Thaddeus answered. “Ah of course they will” answered the general back “A little moment and we shall begin the second round of their training.”

Going back to the twins’ training, Lord Barnes began to train them with the right use of sword, fighting moves, skills and strategies. He also taught them how to use a shield properly. During the training of the princes, Lord Barnes and the tutor realized that Chev is better in his fighting skills using focus and inner peace on the other hand Charv is a faster learner than his brother.

“Both of them have different ways to learn” the general whispered “I only hope that they’ll learn everything they have to in the right time.”

Deep in the woods, the Lords Anthony and Bryce are both on their way to the Southern Kingdom of Vilespiann. Both of the lords carried some foods and water for the both of them as well as for the horses for their journey, as you must know that the travel from the Western Kingdom to the Southern Kingdom really takes a long journey. They are also armed well so if there are any troubles, they are ready to fight.

They never took a single word yet as they began their journey to the South but, before they began they travel, they had a little talk at the Cavalry.

“Lord Bryce! Are you here?” began Lord Anthony as he reached the Cavalry.

“I am here Lord Anthony!” replied Lord Bryce.

“You haven’t had your meal at the Dining Hall for lunch” said Lord Anthony.

“Well, I just want to be ready Lord Bryce.”

“Very well Bryce. Our mission is to reach the Southern Kingdom of Vilespiann to bring the message of King Centaurion” Lord Anthony began.

“That is our mission my lord and we must accomplish it for King Centaurion” answered Lord Bryce “But I want to say this, my lord if we were to separate ways, we still have to continue our way to the South” he continued.

“What if one of us will be killed?” asked Lord Anthony.

“Lord Anthony, the lives of all the people who live here on The Kingdom of Centaurion is much more important than ours. We must make sacrifices if we have to” countered Lord Bryce.

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