Chapter 11: The sacred Battlefield

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Before the tournament begins, General Cornelius called “Soldiers! Warrirors! Gather around, please!”

All the soldiers then gathered around. “I believe it’s about to start” Georgia began.

“What will be the announcement of father?” Couragesonn wondered. “Father?” Georgia asked.

“Oh sorry Georgia, haven’t I told you? My father is General Cornelius.”

“You haven’t told me before. Everytime I ask you about your father, you always end up saying ‘I don’t want to talk about it’.”

“Sorry about that. But now you know!” Couragesonn answered.

“Whatever!” replied Georgia.

“The tournament will not be happening here. Please follow me” General Cornelius continued.

“This is exciting!” Georgia wondered.

Then, all of them followed General Cornelius and Lord Brommin, while Lord Thaddeus went to the clinic to have a first aid. As they reached the castle, General Cornelius led them while Lord Brommin is on the last of the line.

They’ve guided the soldiers into the underground of the castle which is very dark “Now it’s suspicious!” Couragesonn wondered, facing at Georgia.

“Why Couragesonn? Scared of a little darkness?” asked Georgia.

“My name will answer your question” answered Couragesonn.

Then General Cornelius and Lord Brommin took the two torches along their way to the underground. The place is lighted on the front as well as on the back. Also, the place where they are walking is large.

After a long walk, General Cornelius reached a door, a very big door “Well here we are then!” And so, General Cornelius opened the big door (the door is big but not really heavy, so a single man can open it easily).

“What is this place?” Couragesonn wondered while the other soldiers whispered to themselves “Where are we?” Then General Cornelius lighted up the whole place.

The very dark place is now lighted and it showed how big the place behind the big door is!

“A battlefield!” Georgia exclaimed.

“This is the Battlefield!” announced General Cornelius. All the soldiers were amazed as they see how big and beautiful the Battlefield is.

“This place looks very old” Couragesonn wondered.

“Then you must know why?” Georgia answered.

“We’ll get to that later” Couragesonn answered.

“This place was not used for so many years” the general began “Please, keep this place clean. Now, take your seats and as I call your name, you will go the Battlefield to start your duel.” All soldiers took their seats in a very peaceful way.

Then after all soldiers had taken their seats, General Cornelius finally announced “The tournament begins, now!”

All the soldiers cheered up for they are all excited and really ready for the tournament to start.

The first two duellers were called by Lord Bromin. The first round is between a member from the Old soldiers and the other is from the New soldiers.

The soldier that comes from the Old is using a sword and a shield while the New soldier is using bow and arrows.

“Weird duel” Lord Brommin began “The other is using sword and shield while the other is using bow and arrows. How can they fight?”

“We’ll see what they can do” General Cornelius replied.

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