Chapter 29: Reunited with their own Bodies

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“Do you have any gloves sire?” asked Leohnn.

“I think I have in one of my pockets” answered Charv “Why?” he asked.

“Wear it sire and it will protect you from the bracelet” answered Leohnn.

“Okay” answered the young prince then he puts the bracelet back to his right pocket then he takes the gloves from his left pocket and wears it in his right hands and took the bracelet again.

“No hurt” Charv began.

“Now sire, I want you to place the bracelet where the light beam is” began Leohnn.

“To put it where the light beam is?” asked Charv.

“Yes sire” answered Leohnn then Charv placed the bracelet from where the light beam is hitting.

“Woah!” exclaimed Charv then as he placed the bracelet in the light’s beam, the bracelet begins to burn itself but Charv feels no hurt and as they have reached the peak (the place where there are no more oxygen), “Throw it!” exclaimed Leohnn so Charv throws the bracelet from where the light beam is and as he throws it, the bracelet begins to dissolve.

“Wow!” exclaimed the young prince and as the bracelet reached the peak of the light beam, the bracelet dissolved leaving nothing from it.

Back at the Garden in the Western Kingdom, all the souls and spirits began to go back to their own bodies in different places.

“They did it sire” interrupted Zhroy.

“Glad I am” whispered the king then all of the others smiled for joy.

As Lord Gregory returned to his own body, he opened his eyes and looks at his family and whispered “I am here.”

“Gregory?” whispered Claudia “You.... You are here again?!” then Claudia cried for joy.

“I am here Claudia and I will never leave you again” answered Lord Gregory then his son Galvin and daughter Claire woke up as well then the lord was embraced by his family and they all cried at each other.

General Thomason’s body is luckily empty. The jinn that used his body before had died in the Southern Kingdom for the strong light beam that saved the Western Kingdom also saved the other kingdoms as well that resulted all the jinns to die and living some of the victim bodies empty. So General Thomason entered his body again easily then he stands up again and sees the whole Kingdom of Vilespiann is like the Western Kingdom, some parts are destroyed and many soldiers are down so he rushed to search King Vilespiann and the others but before he could make any move, someone called him,

“General Thomason!” called the first man.

“Lord Brom?” wondered the general.

“You speak the truth general!” exclaimed the other man.

“Lord Brom! Lord Carac!” exclaimed General Thomason “You are all here and alive!”

“We never died general!” answered the first man who happens to be Lord Brom.

“It’s just these jinns!” exclaimed the other man who appears to be Lord Carac.

“At least that the both of you are here and alive!” exclaimed General Thomason.

“But I wonder where King Vilespiann and the others are as well” interrupted General Thomason “It seems that they did not fight. Maybe they are in the dungeons.”

So General Thomason, Lord Brom and Lord Carac all rushed to the dungeons and the gates are opened finding the Southern Kingdom’s king and the lords there inside.

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