Chapter 23: Their First Quest

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“Thank you brother and thank you Guardians!” said Charv.

“I will do everything just to save you brother!” answered Chev “Nothing can ever separate us.”

“It’s our duty to protect you and your brother, Prince Charv” added Georgia.

“I’ve made a promise to your father the king that I will protect you and your brother at all times for that is my very mission and I must do it as well” added Couragesonn then all smiled at once.

Until “Wait a minute” Couragesonn interrupted “Not just because that we have saved Prince Charv’s life means the end. We must save the others as well!”

“Couragesonn’s right sire” continued Georgia “We must also save the others as well. We must free them all!”

“But how?” interrupted Paulinne.

“Your question will be answered tomorrow” replied the king “For in the meantime, I want all of you to rest and you are to start your very first quest tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” interrupted Chev.

“Quest?” added Charv.

“Yes my sons” answered King Centaurion “Tomorrow it will be.”

Then the king faced Charv again “Are you better now my son?”

“I am father, thank you” answered Charv then he smiled and the king embraced him.

“Now, I must go” began King Centaurion “Prepare yourselves for what may come tomorrow.” And so, the king left the sanatorium leaving his sons and the guardians inside.

“Lord Gregory is here at the sanatorium right?” began Chev.

“He is. Why?” asked Couragesonn.

“Maybe we should go there to him so that we can protect his body from these so called jinns” continued Chev.

“There is no need brother” answered Charv.

“Why is that brother?” asked Chev.

“For Lord Gregory told me that an empty body will be secured if his or her family is around him or her” added Charv.

“Well if that’s the case, we must rest now and wait for what may come tomorrow” added Chev then all of them rested.

Morning has finally come and it was Georgia who woke up first.

“New day and there is something waiting for us today” whispered Georgia then after a moment, all of the others wakes up as well.

“Father will be expecting us now” began Charv.

“Wait brother, how are you feeling now? Are you sure you have gained your strength back?” interrupted Chev then Charv’s nurse interrupted “Prince Charv has regained his strength now for I sense that he longs for what may come today. Is it my prince?”

“Yes nurse, you are definitely right!” answered Charv then the nurse smiled.

After that, all of them prepared themselves to join the others for breakfast. After they all have finished their breakfast, the king ordered his sons and the Guardians to follow him at the Council while the others are left at the Dining Hall. As the king, the princes and the Guardians had reached the Council, all of them seated then the king started to explain why he have called them all and what he meant about the quest.

“Your very first quest will start today” began the king.

“Today?” exclaimed Charv.

“Woah father, what do you mean by today?” added Chev.

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