Chapter 15: Training Completed

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Now, we must go back to the Western Kingdom. Going back a week where the day of the training continues after the night when the king and the others had a beautiful dinner. After three days of their training, everyone became better and greater in their fighting skills. The twin princes, Chev and Charv are also improving while Couragesonn and Georgia are still waiting for their duel in the Tournament.

“Three days of watching the tournament and still no fight for me!” exclaimed Georgia “I don’t like this!” “You are not alone Georgia. I’m also tired of waiting” answered Couragesonn “Wonder when we can have our fight.” “I hope we have our duels today” added Georgia then fortunately, Georgia’s name is being called as she and her partner (opponent) are the ones who will duel next. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “About time eh?” added Couragsonn. “Yeah! About time!” she added then she stood up from her seat but Couragesonn touched her hand and said “Good luck Georgia!” “Thank you Couragesonn” she replied then she walked to the battlefield ground where she face her opponent.

“Begin!” ordered General Cornelius. “You are too young to fight me, little boy” began Georgia. “You’re a girl but you don’t stand a single chance!” declared the boy. “Well then, let’s begin!” roared Georgia as she made the first attack. She uses a sword and has a backup dagger while the young boy uses a spear. The boy defended himself from the first attack of Georgia then he made a counter attack that hit Georgia in her face. “You’ll pay for that little boy!” roared Georgia but she’s hit again and this time she’s been wounded at her arm and her legs as well. “You don’t stand a single chance lady!” Georgia felt a little anger but she calmed herself down and closed her eyes. “Closing your eyes? Why lady? Gonna cry?” the young boy said then he attacks Georgia again. Long before the young boy reaches Georgia, she took the knife from her pockets and shoots it at the leg of the young boy which causes him to fall down then Georgia cuts off his spear and catches him, then she pointed the side of her sword to the throat of the young man and whispered “Who doesn’t stand a chance now? Little young boy?” And so, General Cornelius announced that Georgia won the duel then the crowds cheered her but Couragesonn is silent at his seat.

Georgia unhanded the young man then she looks at Couragesonn. The only respond of Couragesonn is that he gave Georgia a simple smile. Then Gerogia smiled back and approached her opponent “Great fight young man! Keep it up!” “Thank you” the young man answered.

The tournament continues until Couragesonn was called to have his duel. He and his partner (opponent) was the last of the duellers. Couragesonn was very excited as he entered the battlefield ground. He is using a sword that happens to be his father’s while his opponent is also using a sword (but it’s just a simple and common sword).

“Begin!” called General Cornelius and so the final duel of that day and of the first round of the tournament has begun. Both Couragesonn and his opponent made the first attack causing them to clash. Their swords are contiguous and both clashing. It took one minute of clashing swords until Couragesonn made a distance from his opponent. His opponent waited for his next attack which he plans to counter it. and so, Couragesonn made the next attack, he lowered his sword and as he reached his enemy, he tried to wound him at his legs but failed as his opponent countered his attack causing him to be wounded on his face. He made a distance again after the counter attack but this time, his opponent made the attack. He only defended himself from the attack by clashing his sword to his opponent’s but this time, he twisted his attack then he slashed the right arm of his opponent causing his opponent to be disarmed. And so, he won the last duel of the first round of the tournament. His father declared him as a winner and was very proud. Then Couragesonn approached his opponent and thanked him for a great duel, his opponent thanked him as well.

After his duel all the soldiers left the Battlefield while Lord Brommin, Lord Thaddeus and General Cornelius were left inside then Georgia rushed to Couragesonn and hugged him. Couragesonn was shocked at the hug that Georgia gave him.

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