Chapter 1;The Start

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My name is Hakeo. I'm brother to Olira, whom is daughter of Kaeo and Teo. Our mother's brother is Takeha. We are the Saiyans that currently uphold the Z-Force of Earth. There are other Saiyans in our galaxy, as well as our planet. There are also other Z-Forces on other planets, and in other galaxies.
Our story begins when I, Hakeo, have an encounter with a mysterious being.
I flew high over the city, glowering over as I search for the criminal.
A presumed male, close to 6 feet, had dressed in all black and murdered 40 people at a Walmart.
It wasn't my job to catch small time criminals, it was my job to protect Earth from any threat. But, our galaxy has been at peace for years, ever since the law was passed that people could be revived by the Dragon Balls 8 times before it was illegal for them to come back. This was made because of Goku San, who has lived for over a millennia, and there were uproars when people were unable to revive lost family members, but Goku could come back over and over again. The law also states that before someone can be revived, it has to pass through the court of law.
Back to the chase, I spotted the criminal climbing a fire escape. I flew down, and grabbed them by their collar, then swooped upwards. They threw a swift punch, and I tilted back. My nerves were out cold, and I fell backwards as I watched the figure fly away.
I slumped onto the ground violently, and many people surrounded me, the police ended up having to barricade me in the road so there wasn't a mob.
My family flies down to me, all donning their battle gear, and Teo removes his Senzu pouch, and feeds me a Senzu bean. Immediately, my nerves tingle to life, and I stand up.
"Where'd he go?" I ask immediately, and my family shakes their heads.
"She got away, killing a few hundred people on the way." Olira said solemnly.
"She?" I asked.
"The woman removed her mask, she had long red hair, and bore a Red Ribbon Army tattoo on her neck." Kaeo stated.
"Let's go Hakeo." Teo said, grabbing my shoulder. We instant transmitted to Kami's lookout, which was being repaired after our last training session.
Teo slams his hand on a table.
"What were you thinking?" He shouts.
"I thought it was just a small criminal I could handle!" I replied.
"You know you need to go out in your armour whenever you leave the lookout! Our Senzu farm isn't due until summer, and with the rate we're using them, we can't risk it!" Teo shouts back.
"I'm sorry! I didn't realize it was a Red Ribbon! How would I have? They've been silent for a long time now!" I reply, now shouting.
"That's beside the point! Armour! Wear it, and wear your damn training suit when you're at the lookout, that goes for all of us." Teo demands. Everyone nods slowly in silence for a moment, then they begin to disperse.
Red Ribbon Army is making their comeback, and if we don't prepare, It could be bad.

The Great Saiyan WarOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora