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  I rub my head as I wake up. The sun peeks into the room that my father lent to me, and it blinds me as I sit up. I throw on my black gui, and spin the black-starred Dragon Ball so that the stars face outward. I then turn my belt so that it has the knot on the back, and I tighten the laces on my boots.

 As I walk outside, I can sense the power fluctuations outside. I look into the valley, to see people training, some meditating and some fighting. I approach the group, and they all stop to look at me. My father walks up to me, and we hug. He then turns to the group.

 "I was waiting for her to wake up before I introduce you all." He says.

 "Who is she Takeha?" Kaeo asks.

"Well, isn't that obvious?" He asks, and everyone shakes their heads. "This is my daughter, Rigou."

 "So, this is my cousin?" Olira asks. She stalks up to me, and looks me in the eyes with a dead stare. I return the favour, because I know what she's doing. She then smiles in her eyes before an actual smile crosses her face, and we burst out simultaneously.

  "Oh my god!! We can be such good friends!" She exclaims, and I get into a laughing fit, and seconds later she joins in as well. She high-fives me, and stands aside as the boy walks up.

 "Rigou huh?" He asks. "I'm Hakeo." He puts a hand out, and we shake hands. "You've gotta realize something." He says really serious like. "Now that you're part of the family, AND the extended family, you're gonna receive special protection from every man here, and my mom of course." He smiles, and puts his arm around my shoulder, shaking me. He then joins his sister, and a man approaches.

 "I'm your Uncle then, I guess. The name's Teo." He pats my head awkwardly, and joins his family. The largest man walks over, towering over me.

 "He's a friendly giant." Takeha explains.

 "I'm Wie." He smiles, and I wave shyly.

The other woman walks over.

 "I'm your aunt! Ooh I never thought I'd get a niece!" She hugs me excitedly, and walks towards the family. Only one man remains, and that's a man about Teo's size. He walks over, real intimidating like, and I just can't get a read on this guy. I can't tell anything about him. 

 "Orik." He states, and walks away. That man is odd, to say the least.

 "Care to join your family?" Takeha asks, and I look at him, then nod with a smile. I stand right between Olira and Hakeo, and Takeha disappears for a second, before reappearing with a camera. I recognize that, it's a "polaroid". He snaps a picture of the family and I, then asks Teo to get one of just he and I.

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