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My hair flows behind me as I sprint. The Red Ribbon Army soldiers advance on our city and our border guards can't stop them, so I'm running home to get a bag of belongings. If I can get there first, I'll have a chance at getting out of the city before the soldiers catch us.
I take a right into Harrison, then run up the stairs of my apartment building. Oh god, what if they got the kids and I'm too late? I slam through my door, and my kids are playing with their toys.
"Oh, Ms.Oniel, I was expecting you home so early!" Cathy exclaims from the couch.
  "Pack a bag of belongings, the RRA are closing in." I state. Her eyes widen in horror, and she sprints into the guest room and packs a bag. I fill my bag with clothes and canned food, plus a toy for each of my kids.
  "Mommy?" Dominic, the oldest asks.
  "No time Dom, stay right there and don't move." I instruct, and he stays in the living room with his younger brother. Once I'm finished packing and Cathy is too I put Ryan, the younger one, on my hip and Cathy grabs Dominic. We then sprint downstairs, and as we get to the front parking lot we notice RRA soldiers shooting up the street. We make a U turn to the back parking lot, and sprint for the North of the city.
  I grab my cellphone and click on Jae's contact. It doesn't even ring before I get voicemail. Fuck. My cousin is still in the city just Northeast of here as far as I know, and that's where the RRA attacked from. I'll head north a bit, then parallel with the path I'm assuming the Red Ribbon Army took. I'm sure he headed North, just like we were taught to do as children.
  "Cathy! Left turn here!" I shout, and we run to the left. We run down that street for a while, then take a right. This takes us straight north out of the city. We have to duck in an alley for a minute as RRA soldiers pass by, but otherwise we get out of the city alright. We have to hike it through thick brush and trees, and the kids complain a lot of the time, but after a few days we see the remains of the city. I then head north with the kids and Cathy, climb the mountain, and what I find is extraordinary.

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