The Dark Room

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My eyes are rushed with water as I awaken. I was in a medical vat, which I floated in water with medicine in it, and a breathing mask, which also fed me, and has me medicine.
"Hello?" I scream, and come out muffled. This doesn't look like any room in the lookout I've seen. I struggle, but the morphine has me all numbed, and my movements are slowed. "Help! I'm up!" I muffley scream. I struggle, and some of the tubes release from my skin, and I manage to wind my fist back and slam it into the glass of the tank. I fell onto the floor, glass and water flooded everywhere. I lay there, naked, and remove the face mask the best I can. My senses are all over the damn place, and my vision blurs, partially blinded by the white light. After a moment, all the lights become UV lights and the other tanks now emit a murkish green light.
"So, you're awake." A voice echoes from the shadows. I scramble backward, and slip and fall on glass as I try to stand. It jabs painfully into my side, but I manage to stand, and stand ready to fight.
"Foolish boy, you're in no condition to battle." A different voice appears behind me. I flip around, and fire Ki blasts off into the shadow. Even as they travel, I see nothing in the shadow.
"We're no where." The first voice says.
"But also everywhere." The second voice says.
"I.. Am Romeo." The first voice says.
"And I... Am Sierra." The second voice states. Someone kicks the back of my left knee, and I fall to that knee, leaning forward. Shards of glass jab into my knee and my feet. I can't pick up on their power levels... So their either not here or... Androids? Something punches me across the face, causing me to spin to my left, where I'm uppercutted.
"What the fuck?" I ask, astounded that they had such enormous strength.
"Amazing, aren't we?" Sierra states.
"We get that a lot." Romeo adds.
"You're being a real pain, you know." Sierra tells me.
"Yes... We take you in, and clothe and medicate you for months but you go and destroy one of our expensive tanks?" Romeo says.
  "Months?" I mouth.
"Indeed." Sierra concurs.
  "You were all a bit difficult to get here but we managed." Romeo said.
  "You're.... Who are you?" I said, dumbfounded.
  "We told you our names." They said in sync.
  "Who are you working with?" I shout. I get punched in the gut, and kneel over.
  "Do not shout you thick headed imbecile." Sierra scolds.
  "We don't appreciate it." Romeo adds.
  "We awoke you because we figured you'd be good for the next portion." Sierra explains.
  "Don't be difficult." Romeo says.
  "Portion?" I ask, before getting slugged across the face, and I collapse on the floor. My body feels all tingly, like I'm conscious, but asleep. Arms grab me from the floor and carry me from the Dark Room.

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