Learning What Happened

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This, is a chapter dedicated to talking about what happened when the Protectors of Earth, left their city to the clutches of the Red Ribbon Army.
  Orik kneeled in his apartment, holding his wife. He put his hands on her stomach, where the wound was. Those Red Ribbon bastards pillaged the building, and when Orik's wife didn't tell them where her husband was, they shot a beam through her stomach. The child most definitely won't have survived, and there was minuscule chance for the woman's survival.
  "Chelsea, please babygirl don't leave me." Orik chokes a sob.
  "Hush now darling, go, I'll be ok. I'll be ok." Chelsea replies.
  "Chelsea no, you'll be alright, you're right you'll be fine. We're going to get away from this god forsaken city." Orik replies.
  "No darling, I'll be ok on the other side.." She trails off.
  "Chelsea?" He asks. "CHELSEA!" She cries into her cold shoulder. He cries his eyes out, and when his energy is all gone, he picks her up, and lays her on the bed that they once shared. He clenched his fists, to where his fingernails cut his palms.
  He screams out in agony, falls to his knees, and bends his head forward.
  "God- FUCKING- AAG." He shouts. His muscles twinge. The veins in his body pulsate at high intensities, to were they're all apparent. Ki circulates inside him, and he clenches his teeth. "GR-FICK." He exclaims through gritted teeth. His palms drip blood, and lightning strikes near him. He screams out in pain, and it happens in an instant. His hair becomes a sharp gold, his eyes a light green, and his aura a golden display. He stands, says his final goodbye, then flies out the large hole in the wall. He flies over the city, then flies straight down. He goes through the roof of a transport van, and through the floor, then the vehicle crashes. He stands where he exited the bottom of the vehicle, and glares at the transport. Slowly, he stalks toward the wreck. Two bodies are mangled and attempt to crawl away, but Orik places his foot on one's calf.
  "AAG!" The man screams.
  "Recognize me? I'm the one you were sent to kill." Orik growls, and presses harder on the man's leg. A bullet flies past Orik's ear, and he turns sharply. The other man drops the pistol and begins trying to stand, but Orik grabs the one he was stepping on, and throws him at the shooter. They collide, and fly into a wrecked shop. It's amazing how fucked up the city got in a few hours. Most buildings were wrecked, the rest were destroyed entirely.
  "You there, you're a Saiyan.." A voice grumbles from inside the van. Orik turns, and opens the back door to the van. An injured Saiyan lay there, and Orik grabs him by the collar.
  "You a Red Ribbon Army soldier too?" Orik commands.
  "Nah, I'm your neighbor." The man smiles.
  "How'd you know I'm a Saiyan." Orik commands.
  "I can tell by your Ki, we match." The man says. "I'm Jae. I've got a friend inside the van too you know."
  Orik lays Jae on the ground, and drags out the bigger Saiyan, and lays him on the ground.
  "If you can-" Jae begins, but is interrupted by a coughing fit. "Get us to safety, we can recover." He chokes. So Orik de-transforms, and grabs the two Saiyans. Then, he flies them to the transit tunnels, and lays them in a parked transit. Wie and Jae recover, then trek outside to get supplies so they can survive.
  "Stay back." A Nemekian warrior commands, eyeing the three.
  "We aren't one of them." Jae says.
"Bullshit, to me you all are one of them." Ah'Laboo states.
  "Trust us, look, we'll even kneel and put our hands behind our heads." Wie says, and does what he describes.
  "You really aren't." Ah'Laboo sizes them up, and decides to trust them. After introductions are done, they all scavenge the city. They find survivors, hide them in the transit, and get food and water.
  Everything goes downhill about 11 pm. RRA soldiers file into the transit tunnels, and they shoot up anyone that doesn't join them. Except for Jae, Wie, Orik, and Ah'Laboo. Those four escaped with their lives, and intend to get payback.

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