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Wha-? No! That's an energy I haven't felt in a few years! I jerk awake. What the hell is my cousin Yeq doing here?! Did her city get attacked? If so how'd she find me? Or did she not? I close my eyes, and locate her on top of a mountain. She's got two small Ki sources and one somewhat larger but not very large source with her. I stand up, and run out of the cave, followed soon after by Takeha.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"That small energy you sense, that's my cousin! She's got some kids with her too." I reply, and we both fly faster.
"We have room for them luckily." Takeha states, and I nod to him, graciously. We land on the mountain with the group.
"Jae!" Yeq announces, and tackles me with a hug. A small boy stands behind the other woman, and the other boy in the other woman's arm.
  "Yeq, this is Takeha, he's my trainer for now." I tell her, and he nods.
  "Jae, this is Cathy, my neighbor. And this is Ryan," she points to the little one, "and the older one is Dominic. He acts just like you sometimes." She states.
  "Is that so. Well, there's room inside." I say, and beckon them towards us.
  "We've walked for days." Cathy exclaims.
  "Luckily you don't have to walk for this." Takeha says, and has everyone join arms, then instant transmits us to the cave. We settle them all in to sleeping spots and head back to bed.

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