Takeha and Kaeo

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  I, am Kaeo, sister of Takeha.
I am Takeha, brother to Kaeo.
  My brother was always seen as odd, especially during school.
People were confused about the nerd that no one picked on. Many tried, I'll give them that, but it didn't work. People became afraid, and weirded out by me.
  I was his only friend in school, and outside, he became obsolete. We wouldn't see him anytime, until we got to school the next day.
Kaeo and I... We were born with this... Predicament. It allows us to communicate to one another... Through our minds... Similar to the Kais' power.
Indeed. It's how I kept in touch with him. But we have another ability. Whenever we're around each other for extended amounts of time, our Ki and over all strength increases
  I felt my twin deserved to have family time, so I stayed away from her as much as possible, so we couldn't hurt anyone.
  I love my brother, but often times I miss him. He is part of the Z fighters, but only shows up when we're in true danger, which hasn't been for years.
Until now.

The Great Saiyan WarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz