Dr.A Begins

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  Dr.A smiles devilishly in their chair. They overlook the planet that would soon be theirs, and their partners'. Earth, that was the name.
  Meanwhile, Dracul suits up. He paces the locker room, wearing his armour with pride. It was painted to match his skin, and he was proud of the armour. It had seen more battles than everyone in the ship combined.
Dracul also looked over the planet menacingly. His horns pointed straight upward, and they cast a terrifying shadow over the planet.
Dr.A stood up quickly, and transformed into a higher level. This changed how his shadow would look, so the silhouette wouldn't reveal much about his actual shape.
"Dr.M" Dr.A greets the other silhouette.
"Drop the nicks Dr.Acrosian." Dr.M replies.
"Fine, Dr.Majin." Dr.A, or now known as Dr.Acrosion replies.
"Are we sure we can trust the Saiyans? I mean, why this universe? Some of the other universes have stronger fighters, even in the Saiyan race." Dr.Majin states.
"Dr.Saiyan brought us all together for this plan, if we shuck him before we learn the climax we won't be able to finish it right. He's had this plan ready for years." Dr.Acrosian replies.
"Ah, speak of the devil and he shall be summoned." Dr.Majin says.
Dr.Saiyan joins the call.
"Hello, Dr.S" Dr.M greets.
"Dr.M, I was afraid we lost you for some time." Dr.S states.
"No, not at all, just preparing." Dr.M replies.
"I trust your portion of Plan 0 is coming to a ready point?" Dr.S asks.
"All I need is the signal." Dr.M replies.
"Alright. Once Dr.A moves in on their part of the plan, you'll begin." Dr.S recaps.
"Indeed." Dr.A adds.
"Dr.S out."
"Can't wait to kill them." Dr.Majin states.
"Together, but only when they are weak." Dr.Acrosian replies.
"Say, we trust each other with our real names, but I can't tell by your name, are you male?" Dr.Majin asks.
"No sir." Dr.Acrosian replies.
"Well then, good to know that Rewa is a female." Dr.Majin states.
"And I presume that Yuu is a male?" Dr.Acrosian asks.
"Correct." Dr.Majin replies.
"Any word from Dr.N?" Dr.Majin asks.
"Not since the last conference. I presume they're just traversing through Universes, since they're next after you initiate your part. They are coming all the way from Universe 11 after all." Dr.Acrosian replies.
"Didn't you come from Universe 8?" Dr.Majin asks.
"So you had it easy in comparison." Dr.Majin says. "I came from Universe 5, but still."
"Fair point." Dr.Acrosion points out.
"I've got to go. Dr.A, out."
"Dr.M, out."
Rewa marched through her ship, armour equipped and de-transformed into her base form.
"Chairman." Dracul says as he joins her march.
"You ready for this?" Rewa asks.
"Affirmative." Dracul replies. Te two March over to the pods, designed and donated by Dr.Saiyan them self. They each climb into their own, and are launched at planet Earth. Dracul sits calmly in his pod, while Rewa squirms anxiously. She would finally get to meet the infamous "Red Ribbon Army" that was apparently a big threat in this universe, where as in the others it was a plain joke. Dr.Saiyan was running it, and so far Dr.S has seemed pretty intelligent. Rewa places her face mask on, which covers her mouth and nose, then waits for their landing. Dracul, does the same.

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