Combat Training

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  Dom dodged under Takeha's hook, then jumped over Teo's leg sweep, and went between Kaeo's legs, then slid down and jumped up in an attempt to uppercut Olira, but she's fast too. She dodges it, grabs his arm, and kicks him away. Jae sprints forward with Wie and tackles at Takeha, who jumps over him and hooks Wie across the face. Wie uses that momentum to turn around and punch Takeha square between the shoulder blades. He winces, but flips around. Cathy and Yeq run at Kaeo, and Cathy throws a left hook while Yeq does a right sweep. Kaeo slightly jumps and turns, so that she's under the punch but over the sweep, and as she turns at the pair she fires off Ki blasts, sending them flying.
  Orik runs at Teo, and starts sending a flurry of quick kicks. Teo blocks them all, and with the last one he deflects it up, which sends Orik backwards through the air, flipping.
  Dominic throws quick punches, left's and rights, and a few kicks. Olira, with some difficulty, deflects them all, which slows him down enough for her to double hand push him away a few feet. She then does a no handed cartwheel over him, and grabs him from the ground with her free hand, then throws him farther.
  Jae jumps up and sends a large kick at Takeha's head, which he grabs and sends into Wie. Wie then staggers back, but manages to grab Takeha while he's not paying attention and wrap him in a tight squeeze. Jae runs up and starts wailing on the guy, left's and rights over and over, wearing the guy down, but luckily Teo sends Orik flying into Wie's back. Teo then sprints forward, jumps up, and double footed kicks Orik into Wie's back, causing him to release Takeha.
  Takeha then punches Jae, and throws him at Teo, who kicks him in the chest and sends him
Flying at Orik, who dodges him.
  Cathy throws a couple knees and elbows, and she gets up close and personal. There's not much room between her and Kaeo, and she means for that. This opens up the perfect opportunity for Yeq to charge up her Dart Blast Cannon, and keep her distraced.
  "Now!" Yeq shouts, and Cathy jumps high up, and as she backflips she sees Dom crash into her.
  Olira runs up and kicks Yeq across the face, and blocks a punch from Dom with her forearm. Cathy throws a kick at Olira, but he deflects it and it hits Yeq. Kaeo runs up and grabs her, arms under her left arm and legs under her right. She then lifts Cathy up, and throws her into Orik's back.
  Teo grabs Orik as he falls forward from the collision, hits him across the face, and chucks him into the recovering Cathy. They collide, and fall back down. Wie grabs Teo from behind and squeezes on him, then stretches him as Cathy runs up and kicks Teo across the face.

  Kaeo kicks Yeq in the gut, launching her back a couple hundred feet. Dom then runs up to Kaeo, and attempts a kick, but she deflects it, and grabs Dom by the shoulder, then chucks him aside.  

 Olira runs up behind Takeha, and jumps off his back, over him, and punches Jae across the face. She kicks the side of his leg, then punches him across the face from the other direction, sending him a few feet, bent oddly. The family groups together, backs to one another, and everyone dashes at them from different directions.

 Kaeo deflects a punch from Dom, and kicks the boy back.

 Olira blocks punches from Cathy and Yeq, and deflects a kick from Cathy into Yeq, then kicks Yeq into Cathy, and Ki blast cannons them both away.

 Teo blocks all of Wie's punches, then backflip kicks him away.

 Takeha deflects Jae's kicks, and punches Jae's punches, causing connections on connections. Takeha kicks Jae, then punches him across the face, sending him back. Then when Jae runs back at him, he elbows him in the side, and finishes him with a knee to the other side.

Hakeo clashes with Orik, he connects a punch, Orik connects, he gets a kick, Orik gets a knee. Punch, elbow, knee, knee, elbow, punch, kick, knee. Hakeo is keeping pace, and they trade blows, neither fighter backing down. Orik ends up connecting a hard hit across the jaw, knocking Hakeo out.

 Kaeo then faces Orik, she throws a punch, he dodges it and connects a punch to her gut. He then picks her up and slams her down. Orik steps over her to Olira.

 Olira throws a sweep, and he deflects it and punches her, knocking her out. 

  Teo throws an elbow, Orik dodges. Teo kicks, Orik dodges. Teo sweeps, Orik dodges. Teo becomes frustrated, and Orik could see it. 

 Orik had a plan, an ingenious plan at that.  He dodges punch after punch from Teo, sweep, elbows, knees, kicks, the works. Orik dodges it all, and when Teo throws a wild punch, Orik connects a hard one to the face, which causes Teo to snap. His muscles bulge, and his hair changes. His eyes change colour, and he turns back to Orik. Orik does his best to keep dodging Teo's attacks, but the newfound speed is too much. Teo gets a strong uppercut, launching Orik back.

That concludes that day's training.

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